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compiling links for beginers?

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Since I am new to the Blacksmith trade I have been doing a lot of research and have come across a ton of useful info that could be very useful to another beginer. So, I was wondering could I start a thread with links that I do come across that I "think" might be helpful to the inexpirenced Blacksmith? And, maybe get some additional ones from you expirenced Blacksmiths as well?

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I buy all my books from http://www.amazon.com/ , or in Canada http://www.amazon.ca/ I find it to be good, fast, reliable service and way cheaper than getting a local bookstore to order it for me.

I literally learned blacksmithing with books and started with no experience at all in anything near blacksmithing, then I discovered IFI, witch has become an obsession.

Anyway, here's my list. I'm sure there are other very good or better one's out there (planning to get Mark Aspery's books myself), but I found these to be very helpful for the beginner and am constantly refering to these after 5 years of practice :

New edge of the anvil, Jack Andrews
The Blacksmith's Craft (A primer of tools and methods), Charles McRaven
The Blacksmith's Craft, Published by Rural Developpement Commision (Same title as the previous, different book)
The Artist Blacksmith (Desing and techniques), Peter Parkinson
The Complete Modern Blacksmith, Alexander G Weygers
Practical Blacksmithing and Metalworking (second edition), Percy W. Blandford

If I'm going to understand anything, I need lot's of pictures or sketches. All of these are loaded with'em and reasonnably priced.
I know this tread is about links and I'm talking about books but I think they both serve us well.

Hope this helps !

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I buy all my books from http://www.amazon.com/ , or in Canada http://www.amazon.ca/ I find it to be good, fast, reliable service and way cheaper than getting a local bookstore to order it for me.

I literally learned blacksmithing with books and started with no experience at all in anything near blacksmithing, then I discovered IFI, witch has become an obsession.

Anyway, here's my list. I'm sure there are other very good or better one's out there (planning to get Mark Aspery's books myself), but I found these to be very helpful for the beginner and am constantly refering to these after 5 years of practice :

New edge of the anvil, Jack Andrews
The Blacksmith's Craft (A primer of tools and methods), Charles McRaven
The Blacksmith's Craft, Published by Rural Developpement Commision (Same title as the previous, different book)
The Artist Blacksmith (Desing and techniques), Peter Parkinson
The Complete Modern Blacksmith, Alexander G Weygers
Practical Blacksmithing and Metalworking (second edition), Percy W. Blandford

If I'm going to understand anything, I need lot's of pictures or sketches. All of these are loaded with'em and reasonnably priced.
I know this tread is about links and I'm talking about books but I think they both serve us well.

Hope this helps !

Anything to help brother!! I just like free things..lol..but if I have to spend money to learn something I know I will enjoy, so be it. Me personaly, I just have to justify spending money is all...I've become frugal in my older years I guess..BUT I am only 35..but feel like 75 most days.
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