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I Forge Iron

Anvil ID game

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I'm not 100% sure about it, but it looks like a London anvil (Peter Wright) with the table, the length of the horn and location of the hardy and pritchel holes, but I've never seen one with the face sticking out of the sides like that.
In any case, if you're planning on buying it, role up your sleeves my friend.. looks like a **** load of work to get back into good condition ;) fun fun fun!!!
Good luck,

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Sorry, I have to disagree. Definitely NOT a Peter Wright. That is a cast anvil, PWs were forged. If it's high quality cast STEEL it could be a good anvil, little or no work needed to start hammering. Nice and flat, still plenty of space to work around the edge chips. However, it could be cast IRON which would make it a lowest quality anvil, worth little money and good only if you can't find anything else. Get a closer look at that maker's mark down between the feet, and bounce a hammer on the face. No bounce=cast iron, energetic rebound means you have something better.

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It doesn't look English. The anvil has the shape of some of the early Hay-Buddens. I don't understand the "HELLAR BROS" on the side. It is misspelled. Heller Brothers made many smiths' and farriers' tools beginning in the late 19th century and continuing into the 1950's. To my knowledge, they never made anvils.

http://www.turleyforge.com Granddaddy of Blacksmith Schools

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Fortunately its gratis, and I will not be able to tap it with a hammer until I have it in my own two hands which might be a couple of weeks away. Thanks for all the replies, here is to hoping its not cast iron! I may be back on these forms soon to ask for tips on anvil face grinding and touching up the edges.


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You don't have to repost, just search anvil repairs in the forums, and you will find lots of info. To me it looks good enough to use. It doesn't have to be pretty, just use it. Most of my anvils have some dinging,chipping, etc, and it doesn't affect the usefulness of them at all.

Here is what you do. Get anvil. Heat steel yellow hot. Place hot steel on anvil. Hit hot metal till it is a different shape. Have fun :D

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