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I Forge Iron

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Hello John,

Any idea how much it weighs? is there any markings on it at all? what is fairly cheap? It does look as if it has been used.

More experienced anvil aficionados will have more/better questions for you and be able to answer better but I like the looks of it myself.

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It has plenty of markings on the side shown and I think it weighs around 112# according to the numbers shown. Not the biggest anvil around but very adequate for the home workshop. If the top is in fair condition I would think that any price from $100 to $250 would be OK. I don't like the paint job on it though.

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From the picture, the anvil looks to have a "sway" on the anvil face towards the bick. I have a 167 lb. Peter Wright with the same condition. I bought it anyway. The price was right and the rest of the face was in good condition. I use it for small stuff. Since your new at blacksmithing, this wouldn't be a bad anvil to start on. If you keep blacksmithing, over the years you will probably end up with many anvils anyway. :)

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Looks like a mousehole to me to and so the numbers are in the CWT system, the first number is x 112, middle number x 28 (and can only be a 0,1,2,3) and the last number is residual pounds (and so must be below 28) so 1.1.10 => 150 pounds

Looks like it has a lot of life in it and would be a good starter anvil.

I would run the ball bearing test on it (over at anvilfire.com) as it looks to have been sandblasted and that could be to cover up it having been through a fire and so softened. Yes they can be re-heat treated but it should drop the price WAY DOWN if so. (under 50 cents a pound for me...)

Most likely it's ok; but paint or total cleaning both can be danger signs.

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Well, I'd better provide a finish to the story. Iron Clad has a good eye. The face had good ring and bounce towards the hardy; "thud" and little bounce in the depressed area towards the horn. I got it for $100, figuring that at some time in the future I might have it refaced. In the meantime, it will do fine for me.

Thanks again, everyone, for all the advice.

- John

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Oh John, that was a great buy. You can't go wrong for $100. I would have gladly given $100 for the anvil. I have seen a lot worse go for a lot more! The sway is only on one end, the rest of the face is good to go. You will make good stuff I'm sure.

Happy hammering! :D

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It's definitely a Mouse Hole as it is marked ARMITAGE as the upper stamping. That's from the M&H ARMITAGE MOUSE HOLE. There's a great book about these anvils written by Richard A. Postman, called "Mousehole Forge". I've used these for over 30 years and love them!

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