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I Forge Iron

Visiting Holmes County Ohio...

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The wife and I are taking a little sightseeing trip to the Amish communities in Holmes County, Ohio next week. Been a couple of times before, but not for a few years. Usually we sight-see, eat too much and generally just relax for a few days. Anything in the vacinity a learning blacksmith should see? thanks...bart

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My wife and I frequently enjoy the visit to Holmes county. I have seen a couple of good anvils at what I thought fair prices in the antique stores there (imagine that!). I've gotten excellent deals on a few blacksmithing tools and a vise from antique stores there. Don't bother with all the billboards telling you to visit a working blacksmith shop (Wendell August), it's no longer there. Just various castings imported from somewhere else. Have a good time!

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Have you ever been to Lehman's in Kidron OH? A hardware/drygoods store specializing in non-electric goods for the Amish.

Haven't been there for moer than a decade; but I heard they did a booming business during the Y2K silliness. (Me I flew commercial Jan 1 2000)

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