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I Forge Iron

Cigarette Lighter

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Hey, you smokers out there ever have one of those days when your lighters dead and all the matches are damp?!
Previously written:
I witnessed a Dane hammer on a section of 10mm round and it was cold to start off with, up till a point when his cigarette was lit from it.
Ahh the beauty of friction
So today being damp, no lighter fuel and the smallest stock available 80mm round, 16 hours later banging onthis thing from cold... wayhaaay ... everybodys coming here for a light now :blink:


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Quiting smoking about 5 yrs ago and it was one of the best things I've ever done, however quiting drinking was nowhere near as pleasurable but had to due to the medication that I have to take. But as far as cigarette's go...I highly recomend it.
Stll a neat trick though.


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