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I Forge Iron

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worked it hot, You have to make the nose first, then fret that you're going to burn it off! (that"s from exp)
never put it face down in the fire

Brings a whole new meaning to "runny nose"

Nice one smithy1 I know how difficult it is to achieve what you hve done on this piece, attached are a couple of pieces one of our members made showing more of what can be done forging steel sheet.

Unfortunately Mike died some years ago, and the quality of the pictures leave something to be desired, I am fortunate to be the custodian of the Ploughing Scene, and so could get further pictures if required

He did pass some of his skills onto others and we continue to hold courses giving the necessary skills and techniques for anyone interested in this aspect of the craft.

The blacksmith forge and anvil scene was made on the courses by a student, and he was awarded the Frank Day Trophy for his efforts

The Frank Day Trophy was presented to an outstanding piece made by someone with less than three years experience in the Craft,
From this year it is hoped it will be used as a trophy for an Inter College Competition between their students, but thearrangements have yet to be finalised

Frank Day was the founder and driving force behind the establishment of our Guild, and was made by a number of his former students.






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John B,

Your work and pics are never boring,inspiring is more like it!

While you say your work is nothing outstanding I beg to differ.It`s easy to see the hand of a practiced craftsman adding subtle touches and proper proportions that combine to make the understated work that would be at home most anywhere.Hard to find in this "More is better" world we seem headed toward.

Having been an instructor in more than one capacity myself I feel there is no finer reward for the time invested than to see people you`ve taught eclipsing the teacher.I`m sure you know the feeling.
Judging from your open participation and willingness to share here I`m sure many students seek your guidance.

Thanks again for the pics and don`t be shy about sharing more.Start your own thread if you feel the need.I know I look for your posts so I`ll be sure the look at anything else you care to share.

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Thanks MB appreciate that, don't want to wear out my welcome.

The pics were just to ilustrate what comes along, The brass cathedral window was a pain as it had to be made to fit the old removed glass pieces and they varied quite a bit.

The beacon was also another interesting project, seems no one else wanted to tackle it including registered gas fitters, one project I haven't got pictures for , was forging a meteorite for a couple of pendants to a specific design, That was enjoyable

If a job didn't interest me I would not normally take it on. And if I wasn't satisfied with it it did not leave the workshop, Having said that I have made some stuff I couldn't live with, but I only had to make it so that was OK

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