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I Forge Iron

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Because I like to watch pictures of what you all make, I uploaded these pictures of a candleholder I made for a friends birthday. I find this a great gift for someone you know as it is something you made especially for that person and there is only one of this design.
It's made out of one piece of round stock 12mm. On both ends I upset approx. 10 cm to form the drip pan and bottom foot. The rest is done by bending after forging partial tapers in between.

I'd like to know what you think about it, aswell as pictures of your own candleholders, drawings on cool designs etc...





i am in Pennsylvania 60 miles North west of Philly ...20 degrees f... a tiny bit warmer than yesterday woke up it was 8... maybe it will get out of the twenties today

havent made a candle holder yet .... just never made one..


Here outside of Las Vegas it is in the 60's during the day, and high 30's at night, no snow here @ 1,500' elevation. This weekend was beautiful. In a few months when summer hits we will be hoping for some cooler days, and nights. We have 3 months where every day it will be at least 100(starting by 9AM), with overnight lows in the mid eighties (around 3AM). One week will be 110-115 each day. Humidity will be in the single digits, I have seen 1% reported. Even with that, I still like living here. You adapt pretty quickly, and learn to buy cars with cloth seats, that is if you want to keep the backs of your legs from frying :lol:

Again , nice job on the candle holder.


Those temperatures are way better than here, but 100+ during the day and mid-eighties in summertime is a bit too much for me. I like the sun to shine, but frying alive... no thanks!
Today it was just above 40. So its getting better. No snow, no ice, better working conditions... In the summer it will be around 75 during the day, with peaks to maybe 85, but that doesn't happen often... Can't wait till summer :)

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