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I Forge Iron

Electric Blower

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Hello Chaps

I was wondering if anyone has used a bouncy castle style fan as a forge blower, something like these from e-bay and if so, how well did they work?



I’d like something that would service a double forge at least.

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Keep in mind that running two forges off one blower no matter the size will give you inconsistant airflow. If both are wide open and then one is cut down to half the rest of that air flow would redirect to the other active forge causing potentially stuff to burn potentially.

I bet those would work on one though....buy both and have seperate air supply for each....

Good luck.


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Hi again

I’ve asked the seller if the casing is metal or plastic and what the CFM rating is, I’ll see what he says. As I plan to have the blower well away from any heat I’m guessing the casing being metal isn’t too critical, but we'll see.

I know that Westpoint runs 12ish forges from one big blower’ John did you need to do anything special to get it all to work? And what was the blower? I meant to look but forgot.

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Hi Steve, and Peyton

Yes we run 12 forges off one centrifugal blower at Westpoint, we don't have problems with any one or more than one being shut down affecting air pressure in other forges.

All forges are controlled by slide valves, the air is fed in from the blower to an overhead plastic manifold made from 5" diameter sewer pipes with reducer tees for each forge position taking the feed down to a 2" flexipipe that is heat resistant, this pipe feeds the air to the tuyere via the slide valve mounted to the rear of the water tank on these side blast forges.

480W motor should be OK, just make sure the motor is rated capable for industrial/professional use, you could always make a protective cage for it, and mount it well away from any potential heat source, sparks etc.

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