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I Forge Iron

Make your own steel weight calculator

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Make your own steel weight calculator! Download this, print it out, cut out the windows, glue them onto something, what ever:

Use the link to go to Photobucket to download.


Or just right click on this image and save it:


Go here if you haven't seen how it works:

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Time for "Show and Tell". Let's see what some of you guys cam up with.

Hmmm, 0.28lbs/ cu/in, tape mesure, calculator or pencil and paper. Or if you're into precision mild steel is 495lbs/cu/ft. Actually, that's more about which one you can remember. :o

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The calculator comes into it's own when you're working on forgings, Frosty. Say I want to make a part with a 1" ball on each end and 10" of 5/8 hexagon between them. If I start with 1" bar, how long do I want to cut it? Well, I know that the balls will take a little over 3/4 inch each. Then I set my calculator for 5/8 hex and see that 10" length is just about 1 pound. I re-set to 1" round, look at 1 pound and it tells me I need to allow about 4-1/2 inches. So, a little over 6 inches to cut the piece. Bada-Bing Bada-Boom.

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Time for "Show and Tell". Let's see what some of you guys came up with.

Hello grant - Here's my show and tell...just this last week - I needed to make a 1" ball on the ends of a part that totals 20" long w/ 1/2" round between. I calculated the volume of 1" round stock to make this forging. The picture shows the starting 1" x 5-7/8" blank, then after balling the ends, then drawing down the center, then the final shape of the parts for a coat stand.
http://www.farwestforge.com/Forum/bsgview.php?photo=3571&cat=&by=Jeremy K - JK
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This is the sort of blatant pedantry up with which I will not put! I thought you were going to <female dog> me out for it not being metric. Dang Metric Nazis! Why, back in my day we were perfectly happy with the cubit!

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't!

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This is the sort of blatant pedantry up with which I will not put! I thought you were going to <female dog> me out for it not being metric. Dang Metric Nazis! Why, back in my day we were perfectly happy with cubit!

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't!

now thats back in the day! Egyptian, Babylononian or that new fangled Roman cubit?
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Sorry, we don't work with them sissy numbers here! Want me to show you a quick way to convert CM to MM? Just so you don't have to get your panties in a knot!

Just when I finally got used to my car holding 44 litres of petrol and going 700 Kilometers on a tank, someone would come along and ask me how many miles per gallon I get!

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Sorry, we don't work with them sissy numbers here! Want me to show you a quick way to convert CM to MM? Just so you don't have to get your panties in a knot!

Just when I finally got used to my car holding 44 litres of petrol and going 700 Kilometers on a tank, someone would come along and ask me how many miles per gallon I get!

Might be some sorta false memory psychobabble thing but I'm suure I remember going on holoiday to Ireland in the mid 90's and the the distances were in km and the speed limits in mph. As you guys say "go figure" .... literally
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