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I Forge Iron

About bones for handles and stuff?


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Where could I get some bone/antler to use for making handles and what not? I'm sure a lot of people hunt and get it that way, but I don't have a hunting license... or will to carve a dead animal (no offense to anyone, just not my thing)Any good and reliable sites that anyone knows would be perfect.
Thanks all.

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Where could I get some bone/antler to use for making handles and what not? I'm sure a lot of people hunt and get it that way, but I don't have a hunting license... or will to carve a dead animal (no offense to anyone, just not my thing)Any good and reliable sites that anyone knows would be perfect.
Thanks all.

Between me, my dad, and my brother we've got dozens of antlers laying around in the garage.
If you want to pay shipping I can get some to you. Otherwise you can go through EBay probably.
These would be whitetail deer antlers.
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If you live in the country where the deer/elk/moose are present they will be dropping their antlers soon. Take a walk or two in the woods and you can probably find some "laying" around. Check with a local hunter or DNR to find out when they drop because they don't last long. Nature tends to recycle them very fast.

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Thanks all, useful stuff. A lot more info than I asked for (that's a good thing :D) and I'll probably be using at least one of those sites in the future.

Also I don't live in the "country" per se, (I live in a small town away from town that has a small wooded area, but sadly very few deer go there. But everyonce in a while one will come into my yard and eat my corn and crush my hedge :angry:)but I do know a few people that do live in the country, and could probably go onto their property (with permission obviously) and look for some.

And I don't even know if there is a butcher shop where I live. If there was, that'd be ideal. I've cleaned bone before, but it was just the circular bone from a hamsteak. Planning on making a necklace out of one and a ring out of another. I'll probably inscribe some Viking runes on em or something.

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Not being snarky but have you thought about a grocery store where they sell meat? Slaughter house? (Not my favorite, but a thought) one of those wacking big grocery stores where they sell everything.. with the meat section ... any place they cut meat or prep wild game for freezing... or look up "Butcher" or "meat cutter" in the yellow pages...

In Iowa.. maybe ask a beef farmer where he gets his cattle "processed" .. then call that place to see what you can work out... If it works out, bring some work to show what you can or will be doing with their product ...

good luck,

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was to a meeting the other day and was talking with another inspector. She is native american and mentioned that she was going up to Alaska to bid on moose and elk antlers and some ivory for her handles. You could check to see if anyone in your area has ties that way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, so you don't like cutting up game. Well if you contact these folk http://www.elkusa.com/ and talk to Lorna she will cut you a piece of antler that fits your needs, nice lady. They have lots of antler that they chop up for dogs to chew on(seems a shame) so I'm sure they could cut some up for a knife handle for you. I've bought some from them in the past so they are a decent company to work with or I wouldn't buy from them.

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