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I Forge Iron

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New member here and need help deciding.
I am going to trade my old Beckwiths pot belly stove for a Anvil and a Buffalo Forge with hand crank Buffalo blower. The trade is for either a Peter Wright Anvil or a Fisher Anvil both about the same weight of 200lbs. So my question is what anvil should I take for the trade? Let

Edited by SK8US

Price depends on what they are going for in your area, and as you already said, their condition.

Personally, I would try to trade the stove for the two anvils and then make my own forge, because I am not fond of small rivet forges, or trade one of the anvils for a larger semi-portable forge with a good cast iron firepot.


Yes, go for both anvils if possible. YOu can make a brake drum forge for less than $10.00 and use a hair dryer for a blower. If he won't go for that then make sure you check the rebound on both anvils, could be that one or the other was in a fire thereby taking the temper out of the face. Fishers are excellent anvils as are the Peter Wrights but folks seem to gravitate to the PW more...I think that is due to them being more well known and possibly a little more plentiful.
As far a prices go...you'll have to wait for some of the CA folks to chime in. Blacksmith tool prices vary greatly depending on the area/region you are located.


Hay thanks guys, I did some looking on Ebay and noticed that the anvils are worth more than the Forges so I will try for both. The wood stove is great but in Calif. I dont think you can use them with a permit? Being a Saw Filer we have some nice anvils at work but I dont have any at home and I sure could use one. A friend said the going price was around 3.00 lb of course depending on condition. Thanks again and maybe I'll hear from some closer members? Scott


Fisher's are a quiet anvil, easy on your and your neighbor's ears. PWs go for a bit more than Fishers on the open market; but if I was working somewhere there was close neighbors I would go for the Fisher! I have two large anvils in my shop and I use my Fisher in preference to the Trenton.

Small round forges usually have pretty poor blowers on them---make forging a lot more work than a good large blower.

I'd go for the anvils and let someone else get the rivet forge!


you can also watch craigslist for blacksmithing tools I recently scored 6 post vices for 220 bucks just be patient or you will pay too much. the guy in santa rosa that sells stuff on craigslist buys and sells a lot of tools he has alot of stuff but kinda pricey
go to calsmith.org and join the cba good way to find tools


Thanks again,
The person came over with two anvils that were probably 1/2" rounded off the top with flat horn ends and grind areas on the bottotm so I didnt trade. I think they were a little to worn for my trade.


Horns should be flat on the end and if "1/2" rounded off the top" means that the edges of the face were rounded then that's OK too.

What you look out for is remaining thickness of the face, delamination, excessive sway---and you can do great forging with quite a lot of sway present! and cracks around the hardy/pritchel area

CA is not the blacksmith's happy hunting ground you may want to pass the lead on to other folks who would be happy with those ones.

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