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I Forge Iron

Passing of a great man, friend and smith.


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Jim 'PawPaw' Wilson has passed away today due to complications from his fume fever.
I shall miss Jim greatly as he was a good friend and a good example for me.

The following is from anvilfire posted by Guru Dempsey;

Patriot, Blacksmith, Chairman of Cybersmiths International and author of The Revolutionary Blacksmith, passed away today.

Jim is survived by his wife Sheri, 4 children and 27 foster children. He died of respiratory failure after a bout of pneumonia trigerred by zinc fume fever.

Jim was my best friend and traveling companion. We shall all miss him.

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My sledge and hammer lie reclined,
My bellows too have lost their wind;
My fires extinghished, my forge decayed,
And in the dust my vise is laid.
My iron's spent, my coals are gone,
THe last nail's drove, my work is done.

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To the Family of Jim (Paw Paw) Wilson

Mere words cannot express the extreme distress I feel over your loss. Although I never met Jim personally we corresponded from time to time, I counted him among my friends. I will miss him emensely. Please know that your loss is shared by people all over the world who's lives were touched by Jim.

May God bless and keep you .


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Jim Wilson was the first blacksmith I ever corresponded with. After our first e-mail contact I mentioned that my wife was having cancer surgery the following week. Within an hour he was back with an e-mail asking when & where her surgery was. He told me "you tell your wife that come tues. morning, there will be a crusty old blacksmith in Winston-Salem down on his knes praying for her and the surgeon"

That my friends is the kind of man my dear friend Jim Wilson was.
We have been in almost constant contact for four years and I will miss him so bad.

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To the family of my friend Jim (PPW) Wilson

His forge is cold,
His hammer is still,
His anvil silent,
A true friend indeed.
His hands only crafted
beautiful things.

May he rest in peace,
His soul is in a better place.
He may be gone,
but his memory is alive
in all who knew him.

He touched the lives of so many,
and asked nothing in return.
He will be remembered always,
for his deeds.


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