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I Forge Iron

punching axe

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this is a punching axe i started today for a client this is the ruff before clean up

the blade is 8" long and the eye is 6/8 and about 3/16 thick
an apple tree i had in my yard died last year due to worms and i had to cut it down and i saved some of the nicer pieces i think i'm gonna use that for the handle any thoughts comments?

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Which way does the head go on? Point up, away from holding hand? or down? how long a handle?

I have an apple tree too, I use prunings to make handles after a year or two. Use sharp tools, spokeshave, draw knife and scraper are you friends. Careful with power tools, the sawdust smells and tastes bad (sharp and bitter), and burn the wood easily and quickly, and down sand out well. I shave, scrape, sometimes sand and linseed oil...

It is a hard red to white wood I enjoy working with. I use it for hammer head wedges too, very dense and doesn't compress much either. The handles for my 2 hot punches and flatter are apple...

If the handle bolt is too much bigger thqan your eye, split the bolt to make your handle, that way the wood fibers are parallel... sawing can leave the grain diagonal to the length... ie the head will break off when you hit something along the grain line.... learned that the hard way....

good luck... and sorry if you know some of those things, I am just sharing....

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hey cliff. no prob on the info its always good to hear what ppl have to say, thx for the info...i never worked apple tree before so its good to know, the handle is going to be about 6 " with an outward curve and it will follow the blade so that the hand will be behind the blade. i just finished the heat treat today and should have the handle on by the middle of the week, i will post more pics as soon as im done!! and thx again cliff

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there we go. i'm finished . i put some wire near the top for some added "eye candy" its my second attempt at the wire wrap and well its not a skill i have mastered yet lol but its better than my first one. left a little ruff under the wire and let it "spill" out onto the blade to make it a little dirty so that i have the clean lines from the wire that only hide the nastiness of the tools real intentions lol, i left some file marks in there under the clients wishes for that rugged look of use. it's mostly an art endeavor although a working piece.


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