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I Forge Iron

Hammer in at Stan's.

Tom Lumpkins

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Me and Laura's sitting in a hotel room and I thought I would give you all a heads up on yesterday, We got here yesterday after noon, and are having a great time. Stan and Miss Clara are great host's. .We've had a good time and fixen to head back down to there place and go to the Big Flea market then head back to Stan's and do some more hammering, We are trying to make Nail headers.. Laura has taken a bunch of picture's and a few movie clips and when I get home and get the time I'll put them all together and make a short film to share with you....Later Tom

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Well its all over for another year, Boy what a great time. I had the honor of meeting Stan's family, and Meant Kyle Stan's son in Law, and Curry George, and Keith Garder, and several other's. that I can't remember the names of, Boy's I wished you all could have been there with us. and I can't wait for next years Hammer in at Stan's... Stan thanks for inviting us and thanks for the hospitality.. I think we all need to start calling Stan " Hawk Eye, We got to the huge tractor show/ Flea market, and I was walking around and I stopped at the trailer loaded with all kinds of stuff, as I stood there Stan comes walking up and right away say's.. Look at that post vise laying there, And right in front of me was a seven inch post vise, I don't know how I missed it,,But stan ended up with a great deal.
Here's a YouTube link to a movie clip I made with Picture's and short clips edited together.

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good pics and video, I've been on vacation for the last 9 days or so, and really needed to see some smithin, and it's funny, smiths are the same all over the globe, lookin at your video, one gets the feelin you could have fit right in and relaxed and enjoyed the fun, wish I'd been there.

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James & Mike, you guys really did miss a good time. We got to burn up several things, almost to the point of no return, and then Stan came to the rescue with his gas welding skills, to save the day. Tom was right, though. Friends were made and a lot of fun was shared by all. James, you aren't too awfully far away. You should try to plan a trip for next year. Just don't let Stan talk you into going to the flea market with him. He'll snatch up the good deals and have ya wondering what just happened!! :D Just had to give Stan a hard time, there.

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