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I Forge Iron

Anyang 165 foundation

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I had installed my 165 Anyang on a short base to get the right working height, then the base on the normal 5 to 6" concrete foundation. When I would do heavy hitting, the foundation should shake, so it was clear that I needed to isolate the hammer foundation from the building foundation. I started by lifting the hammer out of the way, then rented a concrete saw. I cut as many different cuts as I could, then rented a jack hammer. Luckly, William Stoddard, a local blacksmith and friend heard about the project and came over to help run the jack hammer. I now have all of the concrete out and will use a post hole digger on the back of a tractor to drill as many holes as I can, then start digging out the dirt. I am planning on going about 4 ft. deep for the foundation, and also use 1/2" rubber stall mat material as a spacer to seperate the concrete of the hammer foundation from the building. Will show more pictures as the project progresses.



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You may want to consder putting the hammer on a timber pad to help with shock loading. My Bradley is on 10.5" of hardwood timber with 5 feet of concrete under it and, while it still shakes a little, it's not bad. You probably wounldn't need as much concrete or timber for your hammer since mine is a two piece machine with a larger ram, but the pinciples are the same.


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James, ill run through isolating foundations in this thread when I get a bit of time next week, its simple enough, but quite a few tricks to doing it well. Ill done a few hammers over the years, and achieved 98% attenuation on a 3 ton arch hammer once !

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The slab I made for my 88lber is roughly 8'x8' and 18" deep.With the 500lbs of rebar I added to just over 3yds of concrete it weighs over 6500lbs.It has made a good base for the hammer,very solid.With you going down 4' I am sure you will be happy wth the results.I don't know the price of concrete in Texas but mine was $660,hope yours is cheaper.I guess waiting for the concrete to cure will seem like forever.

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