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I Forge Iron

Winchester knife at Wal-mart


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I was just in the camping section of walmart, and saw a winchester gut hook knife, for 15 bucks. egad, when did winchester start having china make their stuff? It looks like a decent enough knife, and I have little experience in knife making, but what I have done, tells me to make a similiar knife would be 3 days of work. 15 bucks???? just shows what slave labor does to any market item. Ridiculous.

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i would bet that knife would hold up ok but at that price people would just throw it out when it became dull and buy a new one. (probably hard to sharpen bc of steel used) we will drown in our own garbage one day unless we return to quality products made from quality material that lasts. im canadian and i dont think i shouldpay for chineese prosperity at the cost of our own. srry bout the rant..,.

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Need to start looking closely. Picked up a nice little Kershaw at a sale. It is a good knife
even if it says china. Also have 2 Kershaw blurs both USA. Saw the little one said Kershaw didn't look further. Where are your Levies made? Hunted for a replacment pair
of Clarks boots Box said Clarks England. Boots said made in china. Tried Wolverine, made in china. Too much stuff from too many countries. When chevy started the hartbeat of america ads They fetured the luv truck (think mazda) We can buy a toyota made in the USA or some of Detriots autos made in Mexico,overseas or Canada. I belive there is crap
made everyware. Know what you are buying and get the best value you can.

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