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I Forge Iron

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My name is Brian and i am in Lancaster,Ca. This is a great site. I am a Union Ironworker and have a welding shop at my home with Mig and Tig welders and alot of cool tools. I am starting to acquire blacksmithing tools, a 148 pound hay budden anvil in decent shape, some older ball pein hammers, and i just ordered a diamondback forge. I have a decent knowledge of welding and steel working, but i would love to be able to meet some fellow smiths to learn from. Anyone know about people in my area? This is such an exciting new undertaking for me. I love everything about metal working, and i can't believe my interest in blacksmithing took this long to surface. Any help would be appreciated. What type of stock do most of you make your top tools out of? What type of hardening for say a punch? Thanks in advance for any info.

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Glad you joined up, good place to learn with TONS of info. Check the blueprint section and also the gallery for some inspiration! Go to the Home page and look at the column on the right and click on blacksmith groups section, there you should be able to locate a group near you. JOIN! We love to have new folks come into our groups and are willing to help any way we can. Sounds as tho you have a pretty good start with your tools. There is a good blueprint for making a cheap, very effective forge from parts you can scrounge, you can probably have one built in a couple of hrs and for less than $20.00.....so what are you doing here reading my dribble?? Go Build that forge!

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i don't think i'll be building my own forge just yet. I just ordered one from diamondback forges, the blacksmith two burner, and i want to start out right with the right heat and such. I have started to heat up some round stock and beat it a little on the anvil to make some basic punches and chisels. i also got some 1 1/4 square stock to draw out and make 1" hardy tools. Its tough using the oxy acetylene torch to heat the metal though! I am very excited to get my forge goin' and start making tools and such. Thanks for your reply!

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Welcome aboard, glad to have ya.

What kind of round stock are you using? If it isn't tool steel it isn't going to make very good chisels and punches.

Look up the California Blacksmith's Association CBA, they're really active and all over the state. I'm sure there's something going on within driving distance of you.


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Frosty is right, try to connect with your local blacksmith group and go to their meetings and demonstrations. If possible take a class in toolmaking: chisels, punches, etc through your local blacksmith group so that you can learn to quickly and safely hammer out, harden and temper chisels, punches and other tools.

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I'll look into it. I was contacted by Karen Brazeal, i might take a drive up and take a class from Brian, but it will have to be in the next three weeks because they are going on a tour in september! It was really nice of Karen to contact me and make an offer, i know how valuable peoples time is. Everyone seems very helpful, its quite refreshing.

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