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I Forge Iron

Hello Ya All, Let me introduce myself....

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Hi To All Fellow Artisans:

My name is Lisa Boone, and I am a metal sculptor highly interested in learning the trade of blacksmithing. I had my first real lessons at the Merom IN Chautauqua. I am and always have been highly fasinated by the process. Though highly educated in Fine Art from Indiana State University via Dick Hay, Robert Evans, and Jack Gates, I never got to use the forge there. I began and received my BFA in ceramic sculpture under Dick Hay in 1991. I began studying Metal and Mixed Media sculpture following that. I am still learning, for always most likely.

Blacksmithing still intrigues me a lot. It is fasinating to me and I had so much fun in Merom with Griffey (sp), I know some of you know him but I did not have him write his name and spelling down. He referred me to this site, and he makes a great teacher. He said if I come to Friendship IN the weekend after next in my blue jeans he will continue teaching me. I loved it.

If anyone knows him and how to contact him directly by email please write and let me know at boone.lisa@yahoo.com. I would like to apprentice under him or someone else just as good as him. It is the best way to learn. Any ideas. I am a good artist and I enter a lot of juried competitions and win my share of awards. I love the festival thing as well. I look forward to all I can learn from all of you and I see you all have the knowledge of where to accquire the supplies I will need to get started on my own.

Thanks for reading and I will check back often. I look forward to hearing from anyone with any info. I live in Indianapolis but my parents are from Dugger IN. I am in both places a lot.

Lisa S Boone

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! We all are still learning, or at least we should be. I've been in the metal trade since '73 and hope I never quit learning. There is a lady smith up near (well, sorta near) you in Charleston, Ill. that is a fabulous smith. Teaches classes and is know internationally for her work. Great lady, fun to be around, and does simply beautiful work. Lorelei Sims - Artist Blacksmith / Welcome to the Vortex of Hot Metal is her site. She also has a BFA and taught on the university level for several years before 'getting into the fire'. BTW, we really like pictures! would enjoy seeing some of your work. Once again, welcome.

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Welcome aboard Lisa, glad to have you.

I commend you on your most excellent if belated decision to get into forging. Playing with fire and hitting things with hammers is the HIGHEST form of human expression. Well, maybe second only to a good pun that is. ;)

If you'll click "User CP" at the top of the page and edit your profile to show your location it can make a big difference. IFI is represented by people from more than 50 countries and a lot of info is location specific. If local folk know you're around they can invite you to gatherings, tip you to tool deals, offer hands on help and maybe drop by for a tastey snack and nap.


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