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I Forge Iron

Huff test for steel?? hmmm


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Ok, this one is a bit from left field, but it arose from bladesmithing so I thought I would ask it here.

I recently completed a set of sample knives for a lady who wants a set of steak knives, but wasn't sure exactly what she wanted. All good. Got them made and polished up nicely, then took them round to show her. Usual story, oohs and ahhs, handmade knives, recycled materials, native wood handles, blah blah blah.

Then she picked one up and 'huffed' on it. :o That is she breathed on it and watched it for a bit. This she repeated several times, each time watching intently. When I could contain my curiosity no longer, I asked what she was doing. Her reply was that she had been told that she could tell the 'quality' of the steel by how long the condensation took to disappear. ???!!!???
Now this sounds like a bunch of poppycock to me, but what do I know, I'm only a bladesmith :rolleyes:. To me steel quality is rated in Carbon content, alloying metals, but mainly in good heat treating.

Has anyone heard of this before??

I could see it as a test of body vs. ambient room temperature, or at best the degree of polish, but steel quality??

Over to you.

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that sounds like an urban legend to me. that can only tell the density so maybe if the knife is less dense it cools slower or heats faster. maybe that will tell if it has a lot of martensite (thats the hard steel after qeunching right). my .02 worth. although it sounds like some sort of drug reference to me or some crazy alien scheme to take over the world ;)

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When you "huff" you breathe on a blade or a crystal glass you add a bit of moisture, Then with a clean wipe you can shine the sruface up really nice.....folks that do this tend to examine the surface closely,,not to tell what the material is. But to determine if there are flaws in the surface the show up. Maybe this led to the belief that anyone could see beyond the surface.

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