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I Forge Iron

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I always wanted to learn to play with metal and never got around to it. Then a friend signed up for a intro blacksmith class and ended up not being able to attend due to family medical stuff, so he gave me the class as a gift. What a blessing! I drove three hours from Waupaca, WI where I live to Eagle, WI to take the class and not only had a great time, but actually learned enough that now I think I'm addicted. I'm going to build a forge in my shop, and find some tools. If anyone knows of any used equipment in Wisconsin, or has info about more classes around here, please contact me.

And to the folks who built all this here on "iforgeiron" -- thank you for what you have given all of us.



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Welcome aboard David, glad to have ya.

So nobody warned you this is a dangerously infectious pursuit eh? Bummer dude, the only thing to do now is start buying tools, picking up any scrap you see and building equipment so you can heat and beat with the rest of us.

If you'll click "User CP" and edit your profile to show your location it can make a big difference. IFI is represented by members from more than 50 countries and a lot of info is location specific. Also if local folk know you're around they can invite you to get togethers, tip you to tool deals and offer hands on help.


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