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I Forge Iron

"New" shop tool

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Hey all, I do a lot more lurking here than posting, just trying to take it all in. I just brought home a pretty cool looking old floor standing drill press. Have been looking for a 21" camel-back press for awhile now. thought I was familiar with the different styles out there, but this is a new one for me. it is set-up for line shaft-drive, but instead of step pulleys for changing speeds, it has a curved disk near the base of the drill, with a small wheel that can be moved out to engage the curved disk, i think it is called a sheath arrangement. The guy I bought it from had a smaller version with the same arrangement in his shop that he uses everyday. Mine is about like a 20 or 21" size, thinking it is set up for #3MT tooling. It is complete, one gear will need replaced, one small metal collar on the quill will need replaced, otherwise very nice shape for it's age. can anyone here give me a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" on this arrangement? Looks like a pretty simple design that should work rather well. I plan to fabricate a mount to run it from an electric motor. Any comments or info. on this type of tool greatly appreciated. Thank you, a.j.

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Don't be surprised if it is a #4MT. Usually on DP's of that size they had back gear and the MT is larger than expected because of the torque involved. I'm with the rest of em though post some pictures and tell us the make and model.

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