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I Forge Iron

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Hello everyone, I`m new to this site which appears very interesting and inspiring. After studying agriculture and being into farming and the like for almost two decades, I decided it was time to quit and start working with metal, wood and any media to express myself. Incidentally, it was as an ag student in Davis, California that for the first time I had on my hands any welding or O/A equipment. There in an Ag Practices class I learned very basic stuff, and did what I considered my first sculpture, wow ! A little ag tractor made of plate and overly brazed with brass. Ironically, I have pics of all work but that one, shame on me huh. Really want to make a nice pedestal for it before I take a shot. As a little child, I always liked to pick up some of my Dad`s tools and try anything out.Oftentimes, the tools would get damaged from my missusing, and Daddy got xxxxxx, but the end result was a great hands-on experience, lol,that as I grew older turned to be the most enjoyable work I can think of. So at the time, I have a small business in South America (Venezuela) where I live and manufacture sculptures and functional art. There`s not much readily available/afordable tech so unbelievably, I`ve managed to work without a forge, pure O/A torch, no power hammers, plenty elbow grease, so it`s being limiting as to what I`ve been able to do, but at the time I`m making a propane forge and plan on making a mech hammer. As a self taught artist, I value every bit of information one runs into, and it seems to be more a matter of being critical about one`s

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There is a tremendous amount of information on this site that will help you build a forge and tools using whatever is available to you in materials. There are Smiths on here doing tremendous work with the simplest of set-ups. Just spend some leisure time reading the threads in this forum and you will be posting pictures, over-run with ideas, and having some of the most informative and lively discussions anywhere.
Welcome to the INTERNATIONAL world of the friendliest bunch of people you will ever meet!:D


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Terry, there`s no doubt in my mind that being here in IFI will be a great learning and sharing experience. Likewise, I feel blacksmiths and artists generally speaking are broad minded and friendly, so it`s easy to get by as we speak the same language no matter what part of the world we stand. As a self taught artist, I value so much any bit of information one may come across, or that`s kindly offered by generous collegues that undoubtly are more experienced. The little time I`ve been reading some posts-long way to catch up with so much info on this great site, becomes obvious how much generosity and sharing spirit there is within the people on this site. Thanks pal ! nelson.

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Hi Frosty, your name gives me chills, LOL. Truly honors that magic state "Alaska", what a privilege for you to live in such paradise man. In fact, it`s one of the places I`d like to visit some day. Nature and art are two of my greatests loves. Thanks for welcome.nelson.

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Magic eh? It was 2f this morning and it's the middle of March. I think the magic is I'm not frozen or living somewhere warm.

If you ever get this far north give me a shout, we have room. If you come in winter I'll let you shovel . . . snow. :rolleyes:

If you'll click "User CP" and edit your profile to show your location we won't have to try remembering where you are. IFI is represented by members from more than 50 countries and some info is location specific.


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Yes Frosty, it`s magic you don`t turn into a snow man in those freezing temperatures. In regards to editing my profile, I finally did it. When it comes to computer stuff and since I`m self taught on that too, I`m a real nerd! Anyhow, my parents migrated from Spain to Venezuela-South-America in 1958, where we were born. Lived in Spain a few years,and nearly seven in California-US, where attended college. Great learning experience in the broadest sense. Family affairs for the most part pulled me back to these lands where I live now. Here frosty temps are between 80`s -100`s all year round depending on what part of the country and season. At times it feels like one`s gonna melt. The weather has been crazy here too, even got hail a few years back at 250 mt altitud. In the tropics is like your getting to 80 degrees now in February in Alaska, or something like that. You know when I see those documentals of Alaska in National Geographic, they just blow my mind. The wilderness with those magnificent grizzly bears... anyone coming near your backyard? Hope not, hear they`re a little rough to say the least. The city I live is about 500 miles from the Amazone bordering Brazil, and where La Gran Sabana ( Amazonian Great Plains) unfolds some amazing sites too. As I get a chance, I`d post some interesting pics. When the ac temp in our home gets to 23 celsius, about 40 farenheit I guess, my wife tells me to turn the thing up `cause it`s too cold, LOL. I tell her she ain`t seen cold yet, as some people get to many degrees below zero in the north. As I lived in Spain and US, sure know what it feels like to have one`s nose,ears, fingers, and toes, not to mention other body parts, in pain and as if they were about to fall off! When I get money I`d like to travel, but I`m not sure it`ll be in the winter time Frosty, so I could help you fork out some hay, or take some blows at the anvil in summer though.
Anyway, thanks for your hospitality, and you know there`s a place for you here too. Our house is very country looking, and my shop is a low tech open shed under two big trees. You may flip over and laugh when I post some pics... Keep yourself warm. nelson.

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