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I Forge Iron

Ferrous Beuler

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Everything posted by Ferrous Beuler

  1. Gotcha... on the list, in the rounds for real, actual knee mail on the way...
  2. A good broker like Sidd who runs it all through a SIVE is good to have on your SIDE unlike my broker who made me broker it seems on my cash he did DINE...
  3. Gasp!!! Don't you know there are sober kids in China???
  4. BURL bowls were always hard to twirl on a lathe until an old timer showed me some TIPS to get results that glowed instead of my SEMI ok bowls of the past.
  5. Psssssssssssssssss... Sound you hear when you ride your old balloon tire bike over an old pull tab on the beach. Bummer.
  6. I'm gonna say no paint at all. I've got two champ 400's and neither one has any evidence of paint at all, just decades of crud buildup on them and when I cleaned them I didn't see any shred of paint ever having been there. If they had been painted at the factory in Lancaster when they were made I think I would have found at least some trace somewhere in the tight places/ crevices but none was to be found. They were probably shipped as plain cast iron unfinished. I've seen plenty of these that other guys have and they all look the same, plain with no paint, just years of patina. Seems to me if there was a color associated with them it would be known like the yelow and green of John Deere is so well known. The Champion Blower and Forge Company of Lancaster Pennsylvania put out an awful lot of iron over several decades and were a "household name" for all of that time. If there was paint we would know it, seems there wasn't.
  7. Anybody had any experience with having to ship big clunky stuff? I'm selling off two anvils and if I don't find someone local that means I'm going to have to ship them. I collect beer cans and trade cans with other collectors, I've sent them all over the world from here with my mail lady picking up the packages from my porch while I'm at work, she's a peach but I don't think she would be all warm and fuzzy about an anvil. Of course that's not possible because a couple of beer cans that don't weigh anything and can be carried in one hand is o.k. with her but I'm pretty sure the USPS won't touch an anvil. That means I'm going to have to find a shipper and get them sent to wherever they are headed once sold. Any tips on that? Which one should I go with and how does that work, do I take it to their depot or have it picked up here by them? I would certainly prefer to deal with just the buyer and not ship at all which would mean less headaches for me and much less cost for the buyer. I'm open to meeting someone halfway within 300 miles (150 miles one way) for half the gas which I think is a pretty good deal, for example if you want to buy one of my anvils and you live in central Ohio I'd be willing to meet in Erie Pa for half the cost of the gas I burn to get there. Any thoughts are appreciated if you've dealt with shipping something big and clunky like this before. Dan.:)
  8. Ferrous Beuler


    None specific, just all of us all the time because that's how it works. Thank you all for prayers when I was especially centered on my own family and know that none of you are ever left out. Family. We are all family.
  9. The witnesses always have an eyefull at the moment of the most common utterances of a redneck's last words. Usually they go like this- "Hold my beer, watch this". O.K. now start your stop watch...
  10. Indeed! Well, I double dog dare ya to do the dead dude deed on that Vlad cad whilst parrying with your pared down plank and drawing a bead with your pistol (silenced of course so it goes PLAP plap instead of bang bang and not arouse the bear) to back him up a step or two with the impact of the sacred sterling slugs and gain the upper hand for a split second in which you may deliver the coup de grace with your weapon of choice, said stake, and deliver the afformentioned slivery shank posthence to the very heart of him and not PASS him by in vain but strike true and deep all the while keeping your grip DEAR and whiteknuckled so you may be indubitably sure of the demise of the dastardly dark indomitable dude,dude.
  11. O.K. let me clarify, if you go check this stuff out yourself (very interesting stuff, the stories of these wrecks) you will see many of these lost ships have their cargoes listed in detail. Yes, many list iron ore, or just iron or just ore but some list "iron bars",etc. Just google Lake Erie shipwrecks, or any body of water for that matter.
  12. On a bit of a tangent here, I was recently chatting with divermike about Lake Erie shipwrecks in the 19th century and the fact that lots of them had cargoes of iron. Lake Erie is fresh water and shallow, mostly 120' or less and certainly those wrecks are reachable with SCUBA gear, well within recreational diving limits. Could be lots of wrought out there to be had for the adventurous soul to explore...
  13. Yes, but I hear bears really love garlic so he should have just stopped, dropped and rolled in the CLAY and the MOSS to mask his scent which would help with the bears but for Vlad he'd need to draw a BEAD with a silver bullet loaded pistol...
  14. Swords kill people!!! I'm with Mike- I say a $500 per pound tax on Borax!!!
  15. I knew a guy named BRAD who got LOST in the woods and got ate by a BEAR. End of story. Sad story.
  16. ...And you should READ every BS book you can get your hands on and get the MOST of every hour at the forge not on your SEAT...
  17. Some get a big HEAD and think they know the MOST but the fact is you never stop learning so if you think you know it all that's when you're in trouble so don't let it all go to your head, just take another HEAT and I'll bet you'll learn a little more, even if it's the 5000th nail of the day...
  18. Pugsly Addams... sorry he just popped into my head
  19. Can't you see it's the new DEAL just like FDR but better and it will rain skittles and rainbows will be everywhere and a HOST of new handouts so nobody will have to pay for anything anymore so there is nothing to READ into this but hope and change and we all live happily ever after...
  20. From the Greek... "Poly"..........meaning many "Tics"..........meaning parasites
  21. "I know because I am one of them"- Obama More and more are waking up and beginning to hear the liberty bell PEAL and see what treachery is loose in our LAND, America, the one I love MOST. Love it or leave it.
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