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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by lary

  1. I've had a couple of the cheaper angle grinders start cutting out at the switch. There the type that have a plastic switch that slide to a locking position. Sometimes on sale at Harbor Freight for $9.95. I've had the best experience with the 15 amp paddle switch 4 1/2 inch grinders from Dewalt.

    I'm not talking about the name brand angle grinders when it comes to the slide type switch. 

  2. Nice work Chad. Only 98 coat hangers to go. (sarcasm) 

    Frosty thanks as always for the encouragement.

    Will do swedefiddle. The school is in Underwood, it's not far from me. Unfortunately Longview,WA is a bit of a drive witch is where a lot of blacksmithing stuff happens. And I'm always working 6 days a week when Swaptoberfest is happening. One of these days I'll retire.

    The pliers teeth need a little fiddling to line them up. They work well for holding small drifts, 1/4 to 3/8"


  3. Got the reigns shaped half round and realized the boss area wasn't quite the same. The only tongs I had that would hold well were the 1/2" style I got from Fazier. 


    Some things I've been doing for the past week. Made a 2 1/2 Lbs cross pein, chisels and a punch. Straitened out several pieces of door spring for future whatever projects. 


  4. The 64 1/2 inch stationary Dayton bandsaw I use at work doesn't have a cylinder. I'm very careful about lowering slowly onto the workpiece. I'm guessing it was bought back in the 80's?  It's a real common style I see at auctions. Took a close look at that red one at harbor freight and it is pretty much identical. 

  5. Don't think I can add much to what has already been said. Other than maybe two pieces of angle iron laid across the feet of the anvil, and anchored  down to the stump real tight with lag screws. Your situation makes me think of Glenn at GS Tongs. He does his smithing on an apartment balcony in Taiwan.  

  6. You might check out hi bid. To see if there is any auctions near by. That way you can visit the place for a preview, all the bidding is done online. My experience with feebay has been hit and miss over the years. Some good some bad. Sellers will sometimes position an item in such a way that you can't  see what would otherwise be obvious flaws in person. I got a 4 1/2" post vise off ebay that didn't show the handle was bent in the photographs. It being a small vise, the jaws were out of alignment and uneven due to abuse. Took quite a bit of work to fix.

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