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I Forge Iron

Justin Topp

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Posts posted by Justin Topp

  1. I bolted a plate on. Drilled the hole on one side of the crack 1/8 larger so it has a small amount of room to move. So that hopefully it doesn’t break somewhere else. But this keeps the gap mostly closed. Only opens a small amount when heated 

  2. Well I had my first fire in it today. And this thing is a huge improvement over the rivet forge I was using. The fire pot is great. Clinker doesn’t fuse on the cast iron like it did on the cement in my rivet forge. Not one piece of fuel has fallen. Where I dropped tons of fuel on the rivet forge. And the table is wonderful so my tools aren’t just scattered on the floor or in the water bucket where they used to fall. Need to get a bigger electric motor to properly burn anthracite. My larger CO blower is the only thing with enough air 



  3. I was wondering if anyone had ideas for something mechanical but fairly simple to try making. That involves forging several parts. Some simple machine hooked to a motor would be interesting . Or just something involving several pivots. Examples of things I was thinking of was perhaps a gear puller, or dolphin jaw tongs. Maybe a lock. Really looking for things that can be powered with a motor for something useful. Even if it’s a basic use. Any ideas? 

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