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I Forge Iron

Justin Topp

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Posts posted by Justin Topp

  1. That solves that! Thank you very much!


    something interesting I’ve found is the blowe was probably a later addition. The forge perfectly matches a CO forge that was one of the style that had a lever instead of a hand crank. The blowers air connection appears to be homemade. 

  2. I’ve got my rivet forge to travel with if need be! I’ll be sure to keep from using water to stop fire spreading. Shouldn’t need to becuse I use anthracite but it’s good to know that. Thanks for the warning 

  3. No cracks in the body according to the seller! First order of business will be claying it up for sure. I only have this one picture but it definitely looks to be a Canedy Otto blower to me. Based on the shape at least. I’ll post an update on what it is when I receive it. The forge table is 2x3 foot. So I shouldn’t have to worry about everything falling off now like I do on my rivet forge that is 18 inch diameter.  Excited about the table more than anything else. And having a larger fire compared to the rivet forge 

  4. I’ve been working on my fisher by standing on a board for the whole time I’ve had it. Since I just used the stand from my other anvil which was a taller stand because a shorter anvil. Still was too tall with the board but I made do. Finally found the time to make a simple stand. Didn’t bother sanding the wood so it’s rough cut still.  Just wanted a useable stand. Much better to have a proper hight anvil. And to be able to use my Henry wright again. 

    I am unsure of the wood. I thought cotton wood but it’s very dense and hard. Should hold up well. 



  5. It’s a shame there are so few people who have even tried it. Seems most people just look at the stats and call it horrible without even trying it. Same thing with corn but when I tried corn I found it to be fairly nice to use. I’m sure bituminous is much better than lignite but I should think lignite would work. Might not be real fantastic for forge welding and probably fairly dirty. But for the price it would be interesting to try.

    Being in North Dakota it’s 39$ per ton for lignite. where it costs about 800$ a ton to have bituminous shipped to me. So even if it’s a sub par fuel it’s probably worth it. I need to make the drive to go get some to do some testing with. 

    I wonder if I could run it through a retort like with charcoal to burn some of the volatiles off. 

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