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Posts posted by pnut

  1. Brodgz , your anvil looks like it's in pretty good shape. It would be hard for me to let it go. As frosty said though if you aren't a smith or collector that would make it a much easier decision. If you don't sell it are you going to use it? It'd be a shame for such a great old anvil to be put into early retirement. Looks like she still has a lot of miles left in her. 

    As far as I D I couldn't say with certainty except it looks like other colonial anvils I've seen, but it's just a guess. 

    You may want to take frosty's advice about the flour and oblique lighting. If there's any markings that will help make them more visible. 

    Good luck and update us on the outcome. 

    Pnut (Mike)

    There is a similar example in the greenwood collection. Also try looking up Alsop colonial anvil.

  2. After talking to my sister it sounded more like an invasion.

    I was under the impression we bought them but I was only about five yrs old and was mistaken. The memory is hazy for me but my sister remembers them well. From the sound of it they weren't pets more something that was tolerated. Thinking back on it I don't know why they were never dinner.

    Pnut (Mike)   

  3. I talked to my oldest sister last night. She told me how we ended up with the birds. Four or five guineafowl showed up on our property one day out of the blue. When Mom finally figured out who their owners were and tried to return them they wouldn't take them back. They were as close to wild as a guineafowl can be and apparently took over the dooryard and tried to chase everyone away that came around, so the neighbors were happy when the birds made their way to our property.  

    Pnut (Mike) 

  4. Glenn ,the Fibonacci sequence is fascinating. It's related to so many different things you could study for ever and still keep making connections. I read your post about the pyramids and Pi,Phi,and phi yesterday. Interesting stuff even though I needed a piece of scratch paper to keep it straight. ;-)

    Pnut (Mike)

    The Fibonacci sequence shows up in theseeds of sunflowers, pine cones ,shells of sea life, spider webs of certain spiders, and countless other things and that's just the natural world.

  5. Materman a four and a half inch shaft will work fine. How long is it? 

    Remember don't get bogged down trying to make everything perfect. Just get started. It doesn't take a lot of equipment to learn the basic blacksmithing operations. Time forging is far more important to building your skills than anything else. Good luck and remember this is supposed to be fun. 

    Pnut (Mike)

  6. Jlpservices, I agree. I haven't quenched an anvil personally but I've seen it done on video. They used fire hoses, iirc they used four of them. Something with that much mass 55 gals. wouldnt do it. Too much residual heat. I think it would just draw temper from the leftover heat if only 55gals. were used.

    Temper may be the wrong term. Anneal may be a better description of what I'm trying to say.

  7. Check out the simple twist tongs blueprint.

    Keep your eyes peeled and your bound to run across some scrap steel. I have the best luck when I go for a walk. It's easier to see what's on the side of the road and in the ditches and woods. It's also a good excuse to take a walk.

    Good luck

            Pnut (Mike)

    P.S.   I found a cheap hammer at TSC. Check yard sales and flea markets pawn shops junk stores etc.   I think harbor freight has a two lb ball pien for about eight bucks.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Bear Creek Iron Works said:



     Oh, I also gained a Dog as a shop buddy, he stays on the lawn, don’t want him getting tinnitus as well.   

    They don't like wearing hearing protection. They're also tough to fit with hearing aids so it's good he stays outside of your shop. ;-) 

    Pnut (Mike)

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