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I Forge Iron

Wesley Chambers

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Posts posted by Wesley Chambers

  1. My Lady is a RMA in a cardiovascular office and let me know on Friday they had an old treadmill they wanted removed, knowing I love ANYTHING free I she said Ill come take it off their hands. Today I opened her up to see what I could salvage, I'm very happy with what I had waiting for me.

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    I love Baldor grinders, they get a TON of abuse at the shoeing school and don't seem to mind one bit! This is a much larger motor but I think I can have lots of fun with it, also have the elevator motor but not sure what to do with that yet. Posting the motor pic/info in the power hammer section for further Q&A that Im sure to have~

  2. Sadly my budget sticks me with walmart cheap-o steel toe, they last ok for $30, I tend to use an insole for comfort. I know shoemakers but I just cannot afford my custom shoes "yet" but its worth the price when they are custom molded to your foot/ankle/leg. When I was cast I found out I seem to be one of the 3% of the population that has equal sized and shaped feet, I had no idea :)

  3. Pig Roast sounds like a great idea, the roommate wants to go anyway. Know of any good hunting areas around Ky or adjoining states?

    Actually a roast/hammer in sounds like an even better idea~

    Start of day 3, only at it for an hour so far, taking the pup to the park while my file soaks in muriatic acid. I was worried at the start about how well the annealing went, but with a fresh file I'm pealing off 1-2 mil bits so that's good, and bad they are getting stuck in the file so I gotta go to the wire brush every 5 min.

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    Almost doubled the width of the bevel, just about equal with the underside edge as well, slow and steady right?

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  4. Thanks Brian, wish I could have done more today but I forgot my gloves, Brilliant! see photo 1... but a lot of progress for a 9" file and 2 hours! hahah oh well. I love how precise hand filing can be compared to quick moving high grit belt lol.

    I also added an instructional pic of how to slowly bring down the blade profile, most here I'm sure know this but for any that didnt here ya go~

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    Day two, didnt spend as much time with it today, hunting for a larger file. Wondering how far back I want to bring the taper, I kinda like the axe grind on the broad head.

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  5. Had a leaf spring looking at me funny, tired of the sword and dagger "thing" so I thought I would have a go at my first spearhead. The quillon like protrusions still need a bit of shaping and finish work, I'll get that done tomorrow before I start work on the blade grind, think Im going to file this one by hand. Can't wait to get back to coke, the gas is nice for shoeing but meh such a waste of heat.

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  6. I noticed no one has mentioned their beards! Maybe its just my imagination but for me on a hot day when I got the sweat pouring off me, my wet beard acts like a radiator for my face. I notice this a lot more the first few days after I shave/trim the sweat start dripping into my work and not going to use in my beard!

  7. Hello and welcome back!

    The site is undergoing major updates and new additions, at the moment the blueprints section is not available. Glenn does however host a Tuesday night blueprint chat at 10pm Est.

    As a lot already have donations do always help, if you enjoy the site and could spare anything Im sure it would go to good use for the current update time/work~

  8. Yea there was a "Working H13" clinic last year that a friend of mine attended where among the 15 fullers he made they did a quick demo of the hardy tongs, they work great but he had plenty of striking help for the 1.5" they were using lol I have seen a few sets being sold that are mostly aluminum, but I've yet to play with any.

    The Kentucky Horseshoeing School uses Doug Butler's Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) book/bible for the course, slow read but the knowledge is unbeatable. Mitch Taylor the schools director/head instructor has done a lot of talks and clinics with Doug in the past.

    Owners... the farriers bane.

  9. Well as far as the nipping hes not hurting anything yet but there is still the rasping we dont get to see so heh who knows~

    I very much support the UK system, Paddy here on the forums did two years at Hereford School of Farriery before he moved to the states for more training. I wish that we had something in place in the states like you guys but we don't at all, grab the tools and find a horse and you can call yourself a farrier. We do have different forms of certification; I'm a farrier classification through the AFA ( American Farrier Association ) but none of them are required to do the work, other than at the track where you need a track license but not a farrier license heh go figure.

  10. I have seen a ton of different versions for farriers, the type I like the best are just a basic spring action, step on the lever to open the vise and the coil spring does the rest. The hardy vise/leg vice are great for quick work, I use a visegrip with a hardy stem and old rasps for a wide mouth but it takes longer because of the adjustments.

    farriers and hot rasping is almost becoming a lost art... these days nine out of ten will just take there cold shoe to the grinder, more and more don't even use a forge and that makes me sad.

    speaking of hydraulic.. If I offend anyone here that uses this product Im sorry but at the last shoeing convention someone was selling their new product hydraulic hoof nippers!

    maybe Im just old school and like to use these muscle things I was born with but I just dont understand these products. Sure it works, it could probably cut your car door open like the jaws of life! but I could nip a horse in the time they take to do one foot!
  11. I have used a bodged up one of these as a hot rasping vice for horseshoes and because of the simple design and leverage just a little bit of foot force holds very well better than I had expected anyway very handy to have a quick release/reset much less two free hands

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