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I Forge Iron

Rojo Pedro

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Posts posted by Rojo Pedro

  1. Everything stated above. you can get started for less if you just want to try it.  A wash tub or wash or box of dirt forge can work pretty well for next to nothing and you probably have the rest like a hammer and vise grips. an improvised anvil is the way to go until you get bit by bug and want to upgrade.

    You can get a decent propane forge online for a couple hundred. That and a bundle of Kens tong blanks, an improvised anvil and some scrap steel can turn you into a very good smith in short order..

    Good luck, have fun and post pictures   

  2. Cool video JLP. I find it interesting that your anvils are curved from end to end where my is dead flat. Perpendicular however, my anvil has a slight but noticeable dip. Almost like it shrunk in the middle while cooling.

    Maybe a machining issue, It had machine marks on it when new and I would guess it was milled after heat treat ??

  3. I got my paperback copy of DRM for $8.50 at a used book store in Willcox AZ (boyhood home of Rex Allen and yours truly)

    I too love the illustrations, everyone looks so cheerful.  I do have some trouble trying to figure out whats goin on in them however

  4. Thanks Les. It tested as medium carbon with the water quench showing a little tighter grain and broke like glass. Oil quench test was very hard to break to the point that I thought it was going to bend but was very springy and eventually broke. I went with oil for safety and it is super sharp. Will see how it lasts.

    Billy the handle is pretty comfortable as the ridges are close together and I sanded it a bit. It fits the hand surprisingly well. 

    It was done for novelty but I might make a sheath for it. Everyone seems to like it. 

  5. I made a pipe wrench knife, a center punch made from a 1/2” coil spring and couple of unfinished scribes from a 1/4” spring.

    the center punch may be my best heat treat ever and I set the spring aside because it was so successful.

    real happy with the knife. I have about 4 hours total and I have come a long way with my little 1”x30” belt grinder. Thanks for looking



  6. That is one sweet lathe Justin, !!  have you been using it much?

    I have my eye open for an Atlas/craftsman or SB in the 9-12" range but might want to think bigger.

    Limited space is my current issue and the fact that I more want than need. I have even been eyeballing those little china lathes (with great suspicion)

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