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I Forge Iron

Dillion Brian Grant

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Posts posted by Dillion Brian Grant

  1. Morning Neil, and that is one thing I had realize already, do you think my s hooks, and my dimple hooks would look better as 3/8" square or would it look better to make them 3/8" octagonal or3/8"  round?

    The reason I am asking for things I can make to improve my ability as a blacksmith is because I mostly just do bladesmithing so I don't usually have to make stuff round ect..

  2. Typically it is the pinky, ring, and middle finger that go numb, with the entire hand being in agony 

    11 hours ago, Lou L said:

    If the numbness is in just the pinky and ring finger then it is the ulnar nerve, which passes through the elbow joint.  That wouldn't normally account for the grip pain.  It could also be a blood flow issue for the shoulder down that is exacerbated by your hobbies.  Both are from my own personal experience, not internet medicine.  I point them out just to highlight the importance of looking at the whole arm and not just the hand.  Orthopedic surgeons tend to cut first and ask questions later.  It's important to go with an orthopedist who specializes in sports medicine.  They are used to dealing with people who plan to push themselves and work through injuries.  Doctors who aren't used to that type of patient tend to just tell you to stay off it for six months then come back because most patients are comfortable with that.


    Good luck!


  3. 4 minutes ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

    Good, that seems to be the sweet spot on a hearth. Are you planning on putting 3-4" of dirt in the bottom? Or are you notching the sides? 

    My plan was to clay the bottom, but what do you mean by notching th sides?

    Just now, Frosty said:

    Beat me to it Bluesman, that'll teach  me to give Deb a ride to work.

    Looks good Dillon, lacking a little OD maybe but . . . 

    It's going to give you plenty of room, I like it.

    Frosty The Lucky.

    What does OD mean lol

    1 hour ago, JHCC said:

    That there is about the snazziest JABOD I have ever seen.

    Glad to hear you like it

  4. 1 hour ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

    9" deep 34" square. Plenty of room to work with. 


    It actually ended up being just at 30 inches square 

    1 hour ago, bluesman7 said:

    In the pictures it is JAB.:P

    Lol yeah I know, was gonna go ahead And clay it but gotta mix all my clay I dug first lol that's gonna be tiring 

  5. 15 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

    What does the age have to do with the calibration?

    Nothing just saying it is brand new so it should be accurate right?

    14 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

    The difference in weight could also be the scales used back in the day weighing a little heavy. Don't fret about it.

    I'm not lo l, just simple curiosity like hmm, I wonder what this anvil has been through


    Lost weight or lack of scale calibration to modern scales---your scale has been calibrated recently right?  (Though it is common for old anvils to be a couple of pounds "Light" when weighed nowadays.)

    Trenton is one of the top tier american anvils!

    Yes it is a brand new scale not even a month old, and like I said what's up with the E

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