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I Forge Iron


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Status Updates posted by WayneCoeArtistBlacksmith

  1. Check the prices and quantities. available on my web site.  You can get the quantities. you need.  If you buy from most retailers you have to buy 25' of ceramic blanket when you only need 2' and 55# of castable or IR product when you only need a few 5# bags or one pint of IR product.

    Let me know how I can help you.


  2. I do ship to Canada, you can contact me by sending an E-mail to waynecoe@highland.net. 

    I had posted this in the thread but I guess that the powers that be didn't like it and deleted the post.

    Let me know how I can help you.


  3. Jerry, I add water to fill a 5 gallon bucket, plastic bucket.  Don't use a metal bucket, the salt will eat it away.  Be careful not to hit the side or bottom of the bucket with hot metal.

    Let me know if I can help you.


    1. Jim Coke

      Jim Coke


              Glad your back to help folks.. 

      Forge on and make beautiful things 


    2. jerry p.

      jerry p.

      Thanks for the reply Wayne. My 14 year old son got an hc rr spike at a yard sale and wanted to make a knife. I know it is not the best steel to make a knife but we had fun forging it out. He still needs to clean it up, and then we will heat treat it.


    3. jerry p.

      jerry p.

      Here is a picture of the knife so far, we may put a twist in the handle to try to make it a little shorter.


  4. Mikey, I have noticed your recent posts recommending my web-site.

    Thank you.


  5. My web-site is back and running.  GoDaddy has a new version of their software and want $500.00 to rebuild it.  After I spent hours to get it set up to begin with.  I told them to go stuff it.

    Thank you to all who notified me that the site was not operating.

    Let me know if I can help you.


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