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I Forge Iron

Ethan the blacksmith

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Posts posted by Ethan the blacksmith

  1. update: I Know that if I were to show you all this in front of your eye, you would probably strangle me so take caution before reading the rest........

    my anvil has been welded on. no, I did not use 7018 rod, I use some expensive rod that I got at a welding shop. in fact it was hard enough that I burnt up a grinding disk grinding it down, I also did a file test. the whole side is good and sharp excepted for the 3''s of rounded edge. I also welded up the end of the horn because the tip was 3/4'' when I got it.




  2. a friend of mine came over to day to do some forging today. we had a lot of fun making a cupping tool. here are some more tools that I have been working on: hammer drift, square swage, and the cupping tool(for making rounding hammers). I will upload a short video of that proses tonight.




  3. interesting story: I never found to many forging tools around me because all the old tools that the smiths had been donated to museums. we just found out that in the local town of daysland, someone had the original trip hammer and anvil that the old German smith used to own, and the guy was selling them! we went to see the machines and it turned out it was a little giant trip hammer 25lbs, and a 190 ish... peter wright.(very exiting). they were for sale at a good price, and plain and simple, there ours. I am very lucky to have a family very much into blacksmithing, and I cant wait to help pay for it.(mental message: make lots of bottle openers)^_^


    I have cleaned out space for these workhorses and will be doing a video once the arrive. I have a couple of questions. again this is a 25 little giant (I think), can it just be set on the ground or dose it need to be bolted down. help appreciated! 



  4. Ethans back!

    This will be my 100th post on the best blacksmith forum in the world so I wanted to wait till I had something good put up.

    I made a kind of top hot cut. my look ugly but it works good and it will help to make another one some day. I have some more things waiting to be photographed so stay tuned!



  5. upon further inspection, I do believe there is small welded potion on the heel, but that's fine for me.

    everything mac: surprising, my dad is not a blacksmith or a medal worker. the part of the building you see is just one of a few big bays in a large shop. I would love to do a shop tour sometime!

  6. Frosty and Mr. mac thank you for the complements!

     since frosty mentioned me teaching courses, it re-sparked the idea of taking one for my self!

    I was going to wait till fall to spill the beans till fall but, our family is planning to take a trip to England this winter,^_^ and I have planned to take a course from.........................................................................................................................................................................................................Alec Steele! 

  7. I will be posting videos and pictures of some tools that I will be making in the near future. ex: hammer eye punches, cupping tool, drifts, fullers, ect...

    made my first set hammer today! its not perfect, but should work good.^_^




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