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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by jacobd

  1. Probably not, some expletive welded a steel plate to the top of a good anvil. It would be great minus the plate. It just looks like there is a little saddling. I wouldn't buy it unless the plate could be easily removed and the anvil is ok. With that plate on top it will have next to 0 rebound because I think it would likely flex because it's only supported on the ends. I would find out who welded that plate on there and cuss him.

  2. I'm jealous. I'm watching for wrought iron like I hawk. It seems however I will be naught but bones and beak for my wait. I'm not near the sea, or near a old railroad town. I can't find any. If someone would oblige to indulge my sense of curiosity and compare (in a very general sense, God did not make all wrought iron equal I understand) working 1018 to working wrought. Now let me probe further and frustrate even more so by asking hypothetically, can working wrought so many times work the silicates and other stuff out of it? If you worked the same piece of wrought so much would it just become near to pure iron? Or would it be lost in scale first? Or do the impurities (judging by the common opinion of the material I feel to be slandering it by calling said silicates impurities) not work out of the material with forging?

  3. Calculus wasn't too bad. I got through it. It's when they start throwing it in physics taught by a unbelievably smart professor that assumes all these little things are a given or are assumed. That is actually why I have a habit now of having a drink when I do homework. Pass rate of my class was less than 50%. Guess which side of that percentage I was on... I get to take it again in the spring!

  4. My dad is an IT guy at our local newspaper. He has an Iphone like me. I usually buy the best phone I can when I have an upgrade, with spending as little as possible. I usually get the middle phone, 16 or 32 gig, whichever it is. I have a big 27" monitor I use for a dual monitor setup, I just have to carry around and use my laptop a lot for school. So it's not set up. An android might be a better bet for the future as they tend to display full pages in a non mobile mode better from what I've seen. I was just looking for that page specifically so I can use my metallurgy handbook to look at what elements are in a certain alloy, and use the page to see what the elements main contribution is. I see alloys (in the easily accessible market) with up to maybe 1.2-1.4% carbon (02 or D2 maybe?) and lots of other alloying elements. However to see that it has molybdenum or nickel, vanadium, chromium..... Whatever, and see what it contributes is a good learning experience. I know often times bearings are 52100, and axles or PTO's are 1045 or 4140/4340 or whatever, but I wanted that page to help understand why. Like why 4140 DOM tubing is so popular for racing roll cages. Hopefully being able to see what individual elements contribute when considering their purpose will keep me from making a bad decision in the future that could put someone's well being at risk. After talking to my physics professor I have a very simple grasp of why metal loses it's magnetism at a certain temp and why it becomes malleable, as well as why cast ductile iron is more durable and hardens. It's all fascinating. I just want to dig deeper. In older posts I've seen some argue that knowing why something works the way it does as "pointless" or "extraneous", but no educated is wasted. I just don't wanna stop asking why. So any other literature recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Once upon a time I found an amazing online page where a gentleman discussed how there are many more features than hardness and toughness to a knifes edge holding ability. If I remember it was a black page with white text. It talked about how wear resistance contributed and the alloys and so on and.......

    Anyway it was amazing. I had it saved on my old phone, but now I can't find it. My old phone died in my toilet (don't ask). I search all the key words I could think of but still no luck. If anyone could direct to me to that page I would be grateful. I need it not at the moment for knife making but for an argument with my physics professor.

    Lastly I realize the immensity of the internet. Just a fleeting hope someone has seen it. Thanks guys.

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