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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Admanfrd

  1. They are like big, black, heavy tin snips with a very tight, yet workable jaw. no rust, black coating, like they were in a museum or something. will i buy them? no. I don't have any money currently and my birthday money budget was blown on an anvil and stuff. thanks for the info!

  2. I went a-looking in cowboy country and found a man who had a pair of "Shears made for a hardy hole". he wanted $200.00 for them. they were about 2 feet long and VERY tight. Are they actually for an anvil hardy? or for shearing monster sheep with steel wool? if they are, what are they for? Thanks! (sorry for no pictures :/)

  3. Thank you Glenn, Richard, and Thomas!!

    I am going to give his formula a try!!
    I live out in the middle of no-where out here in eastern Utah.
    I am looking for a used anvil that weighs between 150 lbs. up to 250 lbs.
    So now with this post I have officially started the �TPAAAT� energies into motion.
    And the search is on!!!! :cool:
    I will keep track of the time it takes me to find my anvil that someone is tending for me!
    Ted Throckmorton

    Im just looking for ANY anvil in boring middle of everywhere central northern utah.

  4. Is stainless steel a good hammer material? i found some 2" round rods 148" long for $100.00 a piece. Is this good for hammers?

    They are 15-5PH stainless

    I found this composition if it helps 


    Carbon 0.07 max.

    Manganese 1.00 max.
    Phosphorus 0.040 max.
    Sulfur 0.030 max.
    Silicon 1.00 max.
    Chromium 14.00 - 15.50
    Nickel 3.50 - 5.50
    Copper 2.50 - 4.50
    Columbium plus Tantalum 0.15 - 0.45
  5. He decided to bump to $175.00


    and i have found antique [1800s] post vices on ebay in (supposedly) Great condition for ~$90


    There are some little dents and a coat of rust on this vice. nothing compromising. 


    this may not be worth it BUT I may have an approach.


    I plan on saying something to the effect of "Do you really want this stuff gone? because i wont lose any sleep about not buying this, but you may. I can take it right now for $100.00, a fair price, and you can get it out of here and make a little dent on this mountain of jems you have here. What would you want me to do to get this vice out of here today for $100.00? I help you, and you help me. I will use it, and heck, next time i come, and i will, i'll bring back a knife that i made using this vice. Deal?"



  6. it would appear you paid $25 for the privilege of sorting his junk for him.  No matter where they are they are all the same, everything is worth a million when you show interest. 


    Watch the Obits maybe you'll do better when the place gets cleaned to sell.    


    That last line. Genius.

  7. I have found a man on craigslist who has sort of come to terms that he is a hoarder. When i asked how he had acquired all the stuff on his property, i got a "I just want to get this stuff sold and move on with my life. So, we found some hammers, files... and a beautiful post vice. Me and my dad dug through about 500# of stuff to get to it, and the second he saw it, he said $200.00 No less, BUT, "i'll give it for $150.00 because I like ya. We said no, then he thought a moment and said. "well, you are not obligated to buy it. We continued to scavenge, but every time we thought we found something useful (tools), He snatched it and said that he was going to sell tools in bulk. We got some scrap metal and a piece of RR track for about $25.00 but he wanted insane prices for things. 2500.00 for some gas station sign, 10,000.00 for a trailer, and other insane prices. Will it be possible to haggle with this man?

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