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Posts posted by highlander

  1. May we have a name and a location for Mod07 so we don't feel like the secret police are patrolling this site?

    I didn't think that Pau's comment was out of line as there is no location posted for the person who was suggesting that they should post a location.

    Instead I feel that Mod07's comment was out of line and feels a bit threatening. A family atmosphere doesn't have to be on a "Blue's Clues" level.

    I know where the door is just let me know!

    Thomas Powers

    Wrong. You have 3200 posts on this forum. You should know how this site works by now. You should know that the mods are here to keep the site clean and safe. They aren't the gestapo. Paul B made a semi-personal attack towards the mod, and the mod replied with equal verbal tenacity. The purpose of the numbered mod names is so that the mods may patrol the site with anonymity. The view from your high horse must be obscured by something.
  2. Unfortunately have to wear safety gear now?

    What would've been unfortunate is if he'd seriously injured himself or someone else because the museum failed to implement and enforce BASIC safety rules, got sued as it should have and had to shut down.

    Only a FOOL doesn't wear basic safety gear. It's so much easier to explain to the audience why you're wearing safety glasses, ear plugs and leather boots in an 18th C. setting than try to explain to a mother why her daughter is blind and has a permanent scar. Forget explaining it to the judge, just get out the check book cause you're screwed.


    sorry joseph, I have to agree with frosty. try going to your eye doctor and try to get safety lenses in a frame that looks a little more period correct than the modern $3 safety glasses.
  3. SteamLemming, It might be good to look up a blacksmith in your area, Tom Dudkowski might be a good one or give me a call. I am not a blacksmith but I am a knifesmith.

    This is a public forum, and that information is not good to post online. I suggest you edit that phone number out of your post, and send it to SteamLemming in a private message.
  4. What happens if the person is lactose intolerant and has just been advised them to drink milk?

    I am lactose intolerant, and the discomfort and need to use the bathroom pronto that arises from consuming a quantity of dairy product is nowhere near as bad as the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning or metal fume fever, so it would be easy for that person to make the decision. HOWEVER, milk does not work. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION!
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