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I Forge Iron

Rob Browne

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Posts posted by Rob Browne

  1. No need to get rid of the old girl. As already said a plate across the bottom of the forge bolted in, some straps or a plate across the crack, also bolted, connect the tuyere to the new plate and you have a functional forge. Much easier than starting from the beginning.

  2. We have plain butchers knives we use to kill pigs with. They are used to stab the pig after it is shot with a pea rifle. I have never had one stick in the wound because it does not have a fuller groove.

    Old wives tail......................

  3. Just don't breath the coal smoke. Problem solved.

    I use a coal forge only because coal is very cheap here and I have only ever really been exposed to solid fuel forges. However, I have used a friends gasser and its really handi to be able to go in and just turn it on. After saying that its MUCH noiser and expensive to run.

    I think both have a place in any serious setup but then I'm not serious, I only forge for fun so one forge does it all.

  4. I spreaad my fire at the end and sprinkle with water to put it out. It dries in no time. Before starting next time I dig around in the fire pot and dump the fine ash then start the fire. My coal has lots of fines in it but I use it moist and they just burn off causing no problems. Every now and then I empty the water out of the coal bucket and make lumps/cakes of fines which I stack around the fire so they just burn away.

    It may depend on your type of coal though.

  5. Ratel,

    You need third party insurance not the property bit. My insurance will chase him but its a hassle I didn't want/need. Now just to get back there to pick up my stuff if it hasn't been nobbled out of the yard, it caused a lot of interest when dragged in. A friend has lent me their ute for Saturday so a quick trip is in order.


    The box bellows is underway already. Its something I can do in the evenings so shouldn't take too long. Might even see if I can set up a motor on it, now that would be a bit fancy :)

    See ya

  6. Another point about charcoal forges is that the charcoal is often shaped using bricks, etc as, unlike coal, all the charcoal will burn even without the airblast. This wastes fuel and makes for a really big fire.

    Try making a valley between a few bricks and putting your charcoal in there before lighting up next time as well as backing off the air.


  7. Welcome to IFI :)

    Now get a comfy chair, some food and your favourite beverage and go to the font page of IFI then take the Metalworking Lessons link then the Lessons in Blacksmithing link and start reading. You will be there a while so make sure you have laid in a good supply of time and sustenance.

    After all that reading you will be a bit less lost till you try to light and maintain the fire and discover that even that is a skill that needs to be mastered.

    Take it one step at a time, enjoy and keep safe.

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