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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by dkunkler

  1. I have a 24 volt battery charger wonder how that would effect the de-rusting process...

    I have used 2 12 volt chargers in series with my electrolysis tub to speed things up, so your 24v charger should work fine. Just watch the ammeter so you don't overload it.
  2. Neat work, looks good. I hope the maker of the quilt didn't mind you putting a coal shovel on it

    The shovel had a fresh coat of melted on and rubbed in bees wax, so it was clean enough to eat off of. I didn't get in touble or yelled at.
  3. Would you like to share some details of the construction? I'd love to hear em.

    I found the idea for the shovel pan here http://www.calsmith.org/techniques/projects/simpleshovel.html
    The pan part is simple, strong and easy to make. The handle is 7/16" CRS and the basket twist is made with 6 pieces of 3/16" CRS forged onto 3/16" tenons on the 7/16" handle and a short 7/16" piece at the end which gets tapered and formed into a hook. The rivets are made from a piece of 6 AWG copper wire.
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