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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by KYBOY

  1. I know there are several folks here in the swage block poor regions that would be interested in one..It seems some places like the northwest and the northeast have more (more industrialization)..I can tell you the names of at least one dozen smiths here "locally" that have never run across a industrial block in this area(or a cone)..Many have 20 years in too..
  2. I wear ears when the hammer or grinder or going but not when forging..Fisher anvils dont make a sound..
  3. Ironworkers are a boom to nay shop..i used one almost every day for several years..Man, its rediculous how much time they save..I cant overstate how much, espically if your doing a lot of welding/fabricating..Being able to nibble off bits of steel here and there, shearing,punching etc.. The one I used so much was a piranha 50 or 60 ton I believe..
  4. Mostly Bluegrass or rock..Real rock, not todays want-a-be's..
  5. a piece of 8" round steel 36" long weighs 522 pounds..8" round weighs 14 1/2 pounds per inch..
  6. There are several manufacturers out there that use the term "ergonomic"..A good quaility hand made hammer is a pleasure to use but to be honest "is it worth it" is in the eye of the beholder..Also its not gonna make one bit of difference on heavier stock.Though a good hammer with proper technique will help you forge longer with less stress to your body...1 1/2" stock is still gonna wear you out regardless..
  7. Havent heard back..To be honest I trust the smiths on here more than I do a sales person..Not knocking them, they have been very nice to order from but Id like to hear from another smith before I drop $400 on something I can lay my hands..
  8. Hi guys I was wondering if someone could help me out..We are thinking of buying a block from centaur forge.The "A" block with six square holes and two round ones...Could someone please tell me what the size of the three largest square holes are? I sure would appreciate it..Thanks
  9. Id like to have a bigger vise, my 6" is about 90 pounds..Sometimes I need to drift large axe heads over my vise and bigger is always better for that..
  10. I have a friend in N.C who bought a 8" vise from an antique store for $200 :blink: Ive never seen anything bigger than 4 3/4" here local before..Other than my own 6" vise and it didnt even come from here..
  11. Its a good thing you dont live closer to me ;) You'd be one less hammer..I love beaudrys.. :wub:
  12. Ive been thinking of making one..The tumbler barrel is no problem..Though Im trying to decide on the easiest way to have it run sloooowwww... I have a 14" pulley, I know that if i use a 1 3/4" pulley on a 1750rpm motor that it will give me about 215 rpms but thats still a bit fast..Im guessing another set of pulleys for a kind of jack shaft set up?
  13. Wire wheels (Whirlybirds as some of us call them) are dangerous..Almost as bad as buffers..I have persoanlly saw one man get his arm skinned by a large two handed grinder with a whirlybird when it jumped over a weld and walked right up his arm..Then my buddy had to have a piece of wire off one removed from his pupil..Which was really his fault since he wasnt wearing eyes when he did it...Your really gambling with your sight using a whirlybird without eyes.. Ive cut out, dug out and pulled out more wire out of my belly than I can remember..
  14. Its probably the nicest homemade hammer Ive personally seen.. Trinculo: Does it hard? I mean I know its 250# but Ive seen a lot of homemade air hammers hit light for thier weight. Hows this one do?
  15. Im just curious, Ive heard of guys using tumblers or even cement mixers loaded with media of some kind to remove forge scale..Seems like it would save a lot of time if your doing a large order instead of doing one piece at a time with a wire brush..
  16. The camp axe is 1045 with a 5160 bit welded in..The bag axe is 4 piece construction of wrought iron and a W2 cutting bit..
  17. Im subscribed to his Youtube channel..he commented on one of his vids about two weeks ago..
  18. Guns are most of my mine..Ive sold some nice ones i wish i had back and passed up on too many nice ones I wish I hadnt..I dont have to many smithing regrets because the stuff is so rare around here Ive bought most that Ive found..What little bit Ive passed on hasnt bothered me..
  19. I really like those hammers..The design is so elegant.
  20. Ive seen the same tyhing happen with the story you told...Ive known guys that wil go out and drop 10K on a new hobby without breaking a sweat then never touch the stuff.. Most often they beat & peck around for about a year then they figure out they cant forge a multi-bar migration era sword and give up.. I know one guy that was getting ready to drop about 20K on blacksmithing and he had never picked up a hammer..He did spend about a grand on an anvil but then changed his mind..He instead spent about 60K on another hobby..
  21. I dont blame you for driving however far it took to get that thing, its an anvil of a lifetime..
  22. I said "+"..LOL, the 100 mile is just a weekly search of flea markets and local trade papers..It dosnt supprise me though, we live in tool purgatory..Deepest,darkest Appalachia isnt known for having many blacksmith tools.. great anvil and a great score..
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