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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by rthibeau

  1. ummmm.......women are not allowed in the shop ...so I gotta rely on paper towels and tape .... do have hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and first aid kits


    oh, and duct tape.......if'n you can't fix it with duct tape .......ummm......ya know how to dial 911 ??


  2. Seems I have seen $2500 as a common price for a working 25 lb LG.  $5000 sounds high, but depends on the quality of "completely rebuilt".  Either way, don't plan on getting your money back if later you decide to sell, you're pushing the envelope for price.  Oh, wait.......youse in OZ..... maybe prices and availability are different there.

  3. Pearl of Wisdom:  if there are any industrial type businesses in the area that have some sort of self contained breathing apparatus for HAZMAT teams, the air tanks (like scuba tanks) have a limited life.  Find one and get a few of the expired tanks.  Remove the valves, cut the top off, you have an excellent quench tank for oil for long thingies.  Even a Sara Lee pie factory had them, which is where I got mine.  Better yet, find a place where they're getting rid of the old stuff and buying new.......the older tanks are larger.


  4. okay children......here is a story from Way Back.....(sorry Mr Peabody) ....in high school I was wearing my class ring and while playing basketball went to make a dunk.....ring got caught in the net and I hung there until my team mates picked me up enough to get loose....think I still got the scar.....I don't wear any jewelry  nowadays but that's a different epic


  5. I built a Batson style press according to his instructions, but used what I already had in the shop.  I used 4"x4"x1/4" for the uprights and built it all on a wheeled cart so it was moveable.  The square tube got reinforced as the build went along.  If I was to do it all over again, I'd use heavier steel all around.  A 24 ton press might look small, but it packs a huge punch.  First time I used it, retracting the cylinder tore it up pretty good.  So build heavy and good luck.

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