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Posts posted by saintjohnbarleycorn

  1. I used some boric acid for fleas, I didn't vacuum it up as well as I should of under the computer table. Over time I started to notice that the flesh around my big toe and second toe was starting to peel. It took over 3 years for it to finally heal up. Not that it was painful especially but definitely destroyed the skin some layers deep, anecdotal yes, and its not borax, it was boric acid over the counter from the drug store. And It did say vacuum it up completely which I didn't. It was my fault, but if you are mixing boric acid with your flux just be a bit careful with it. below is a site with the low down on boric acid and stuff. The site I got it off of for fleas says its a "non-pesticide"


  2. thanks for the info, I have been thinking about it for a while now and have seen a lot of different ideas and was getting confused. You like to think that there is a right way and a less right way, but in this case it looks like a lot of different ways. I am not really a knife maker so I guess following a knife makers gasser wouldn''t work out that well. thanks again. kevin

  3. thanks frosty,
    I am also building one for 2 3/4" burners, is twelve inches length the better length? I was also thinking of three layers of 1" wool, so I could start with 13" or 14" diameter to start with. kevin

  4. Have you found anything better for cleaning up the metal when it is odd shapes?
    Do you use small ones on a drill to get to the innards that the wheel wire brush can't get to without ripping the piece form your hand?
    thanks kevin

  5. Drives have taken a nose dived in the last three or 4 years, especially since the intro of the single phase to three phase rating. They have made the rotary phase converters obsolete for 3 hp and under. Also the problem with three phase motors has gone away for 3 hp and under. YOu can pick up 3 phase ( now anyway) for fairly cheap and use them for anything PLUS have variable speed too! 3 phase has much more torq and you can chage direction easily here.

    is a site for info on them and if you have questions.

    Transformers, Phase Converters and VFD - Practical Machinist - Largest Manufacturing Technology Forum on the Web

    southland electric has these

    We can offer new surplus Cutler Hammer on the following Catalog #’s:

    AF91AG0B003D 3Hp 208VAC single to three phase $200.00

    AF91AG0B002D 2Hp 208VAC single to three phase $145.00

    AF91BG0A001D 1Hp 120VAC single to three phase $100.00

    also there is dealers electronics

  6. plans! we don't need no stinking plans! well as you can see I built it as I went along with what I had.

    The freak drive was $149, and well worth it as I already had the 3 Phase motor laying around, and the variable speed is really a very nice option. YOu can polish sand sharpen what ever you want by changing the speed and belt. You can bring it down to a crawl for delicate work.

    And yes it works great. I will upgrade to a 2 hp for more power when I get the chance. thanks for the interest. kevin

  7. here are some dies that i made, and some rr spike that i roughed out. Converted log splitter to ram.


    I guess it took about 3 heats to do this, its a learning curve. and my arm doesn't hurt!


  8. my hoffman

    I use a 3,000 degree F mortar that comes premixed. ??
    is this the product that u use. I am getting ready to put together a gasser and I am interested in saving some money and improving the design, The blanket is costly enough, but I don't mind getting the ITC if it improves efficiency. I am paying about $17 for a tank of propane . thanks


  9. another pic front view, the plate is about 3/4" steel, the side support is 3/8' do you think it is solid enough or do I need more building up. I had never built up so much, the steel got so hot I was melting half way through the 3/8" before it dawned on my what was going on, so very ugly welds. DSCF0016.jpg

  10. I live near bethany beach, I have formed a top die that will fit on the wedge, taking off the old wedge was a lot of work. I am still needing it as a log splitter. I wanted to get the bottom die high enough so the ram doesn't have to be on the ground so to speak. I have an old anvil that brings it up about 10 or 12 inches but ideally it would be 24' or so. For now I will use the bottom plate of the splitter, or the anvil. I mostly want to see if this is worth the effort to do. If I decide it is then I will need to convert the pump to electric or something instead of using the tractor. For now I want to use it to draw out the larger diameter stuff to save my arm. thanks for the help. here are some picsDSCF0018.jpg

  11. just a thought, bathroom fans are pretty cheap or easy to get used, I think they might start out at 50 cfm. I actually use one for a wood fired forge out back. Actually its a bid bottom of a boiler that I use for lots of stuff including cooking. But when I am hanging around out there, I throw some steel in the fire and I have an anvil with no horn I got for $25.
    Anyway the bathroom fan has been outside for many years now and has worked fine. I agree about the dimmer switch, could work or not. I believe the dimmer switch chops voltage , so it goes to say 90 volts and drops out to 0 and then back again. So its not a complete wave form. the speed control sends the full wave form with a 90 volt peak. So small shaded pole motors will probably work, but split phase won't as well as larger amp draw... Its been a while I looked into dimmers so I could be off on that.

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