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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by yesteryearforge

  1. MizuPsi


    Its easier to do than its is to explain but i'll try

    First get your piece good and hot

    Clamp it in your vise

    Bend it 90 degrees at the vise jaw

    Bend it 90 degrees again  back toward the original direction while pushing back towards the vise jaw.

    This has to be done quickly while you have the heat.

    That steak turner was made from 1/2 of a railroad spike so its not as long as the others and its about 5/16" diameter

  2. I have not sold at craft shows very often ( too lazy to do the set up and tear down )

    This Fork is larger than it appears in the photo ( its about 23 inches long )

    The price that I have on it is 60.00

    But I still have it too.  :) . so that says something I guess.

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