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I Forge Iron

Robert Yates

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Posts posted by Robert Yates

  1. being red and green Color blind and All shades in be tween I have all sorts of issues in the forge . However I have learned through many years what color is right for me and working with steel .good luck and have your eyes checked so you will know it it is an issue for you as well . I am not saying you have bad eyes just a thought as it was my problem for over heating many Blades .


  2. with Windows 7 all you need to do is right click on the pic you will see Edit #2 on the list it opens it up in paint #2 box at the header shows "Re-size" you can do 50 % or 75% and (save it ) you know the photo is the correct size when in paint it is only about a 4x5 it should load here .


  3. hydrate and rehydrate, Plenty of fluids before you work,,during and after. " If your urine is not light yellow or almost clear you are behind on fluids." this is bass ackwards ----> (if the Urine is light yellow or Dark) You need MORE water ! Clear Urine indicates you have drank enough water for the time . at high temperatures and high humidity One must drink more water to keep the body from dehydration and the toxic levels in the Urine flushed out . any color in the during the hottest parts of the day or any other time is an indication of the need of water . Per the Military, and with 27 years trust me I drink a lot of water thorough the day when it is Hot .

    Now Retired and still drink water all most all the time .


  4. Yes they Are Bob I wont ever weld in a pair any more ! was working on a truck needed to weld a small weld put a welding glove on one hand not the other ... a hot bead hit my hand with the Nitrate glove and poof up in smoke and burnt my hand too . lesson learned (use Both Leather gloves when welding !)


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