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I Forge Iron

Robert Yates

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Posts posted by Robert Yates

  1. I take that as an insult. I so happen to have already made a sword. And how on earth do you know anything about what I know or read.

    Your not going to get very far in life just blindly insult folks. <_< And I so happen to value my safety online.



    First off I like to say hi and watch out for my poor grammar and spelling.


    OK now that I said that.

    Dose anyone know where I can get higher medium carbon steel online such as 1050~1065.

    Most preferably in a square or round bars, but flats are more then ok.







    I can only find 1045 and lower and 1075 and higher.

    I plan to make swords and would like to stick with carbon steel to keep them on the historic side.That and I prefer to work with and use carbon steel.I understand that carbon steel can rust and so on.  



    Yes, but I did not find anyone with medium carbon steels. I can only seem to be able to find medium carbon steels in bulk order by the ton.

    I'm began to think my best bet would to reuse something, anyone know of anything made of medium carbon steels the often scraped?




    I rather not forge weld, I only forged welded copper once and nerver steel. But I can add that to the idea list.


    Thanks for all the help guys

    as well as you should posting your location is far from "Violating your Safety" It allows Us the IFI Community to simply help you find what you requested to find as to your very Vague location it seems to be in the upper Northern states and there is a ton of steel available up there . as for what you do or have Failed to read the Newbies area it is that Obvious you lack the skills to make, build or even produce a KSO = Knife Shaped Object much less a useable sword .


    Lack of reading ability and proof = If you had read what Steve had posted in the way of Suppliers you would have seen one of the suppliers that is in fact a member on here and sells steel to this very community for YES Knife making and Blacksmithing projects . The Fact as you stated you have NEVER Forged steel solidifies your true abilities or the lack there of in the Smithing world.



    **"I take that as an insult. I so happen to have already made a sword. And how on earth do you know anything about what I know or read.

    Your not going to get very far in life just blindly insult folks. <_< And I so happen to value my safety online."**


    Now Let me tell you just how "Far in Life I have Got" I am a US Vet served well over 25 years now retired due to injuries sustained in Combat and Made it Home Unlike Many of my Brothers & Sisters that gave their lives so you could live . I have in fact made many knives ( the longest at 18 inches) yet every single one I made are solid and very usable. I have two wonderful and Awesome daughters ,  Home schooled one now in 4 grade ,two years above where she should be, the other is a cancer survivor 7 years Now and she has made up 3 years of schooling and Both are Straight "A" Students in advanced classes . 


    I have accomplished most all of my dreams and I am Very Happy with my life  !  When and If you reach my age And I hope you do I hope you learn to respect others some time in your life and Not be such a Prude about other people trying to help you or NO you will Never Make it far in life or with your Endeavors in the smithing world as what you must remember it is a working Community that helps each other and teaches and learns from each other.


    Best Regards Young Man



  2. Yet another person that wants to make a sword and has NO basic knowledge of Blacksmithing ,Forging,or Blade making skills. as well as tries to be vague as to where they live , lack of research,unwillingness to read the Newbie's threads and Pined tutorials.


    Good Luck with your endeavors !



  3. I lived in a Connex in the sand box over seas and we forged just out side of one and worked in side to finish up many a project, the anvil and some other equipment was set up out side under a 3/4 enclosed cover and sand bagged for our protection but it worked Awesome !



  4. It's always hard to find words to say to the survivors when some one passes away.
    I always have two thoughts, first if it dosnt break your heart you didn't deserve them in your life, and second, like all good soldiers, when the mission is compleated you get to go home.
    He lived and died to searve a prepose, morn for your loss, morn for your fammaly and friends that greave but don't pity the dead. Their job is done and they get to go home.
    He stayed with you a few days not only to give two people a second chance, but to give you who loved him a period of adjustment.
    I pray for you who morn him, but I congratulate him on a job well done.


    I do not think i have ever heard it said/put that way you know it makes a lot of sense and is comforting as well  I shared this with Mom she loved it and would like to read it at Boomer's Funeral I told her I did not think you would mind . thank you




    Sam: I'm so sorry to hear Boomer passed, words can't say how I'm feeling. I'm very glad he's on the doner list, he'll be making a all the difference in the world in people's lives for years to come. Who can ask more of life? Good man Boomer still doing good work. Lord rest and comfort you and your's.


    Frosty The Lucky. NO, web handles aren't for times like this.


    See you on the flip side, Jerry


    you have always been a good friend and I enjoy reading your post and seeing your work I would like to thank you for all the help you give here on the site to many folks even me many times .


    To the rest of my IFI Family,

    I would like to thank you as well for all the support and prayers during this rough time. Mom has enjoyed reading the thread as well and said to thank you from the bottom of her Heart and God Bless you all .


    Here is Boomer's Obituary (unfinished as of yet ) Pending Full Military Honors Burial arrangements




    *** Gifts not expected or required that is just the site layout and Some folks have asked me about them ***


    Service NOT @ Hunter


    His Viewing will be on 2 Aug 13 and the Service on 3 Aug 13

    @ North Sparta Church of God, N. Spring St. Sparta Tn.



  5. The "Older" ones were made from Good Steel. One of the best made was made by  Bridgeport Hardware Co. and it was called a Tomahawk 99, hatchet hammer tool . there were a few other Co that made them also you can look them up on flea bay  there are quite a few of them for sale I still have my G-Paws Old/Vintage one I had to replace the handles as they were cracked and chipped bad. it is put up now my littlest Girl wants it .



  6. Thank you guys Boomer will be at Hunter Funeral Home in Sparta Tn. when he is done with the two folks he is helping at Vanderbilt with a Heart and kidneys I think that is what they will be receiving it will be a year before we know for sure and we will have the option to meet them and / or write them a letter ? I know we often do not know just what the Good Lord has planed for us in life and I must say I was very mad at first that this happened to my brother at such a very young age . None of us knew he had signed to be an organ donor until he passed away we were in shock to find out there were actually two people right there in Vanderbilt that were deathly ill and in need of help from Boomer yet God knew all along while my Brother has passed on to be with the Good Lord he will Live with in these two folks and they will get to live yet another day I can only hope a child will be the one that is the one that is helped if not some one that will help others anyway just as Boomer has helped them. may God Bless them as my Brother has Blessed me for the 20 years he was able to be with me . 


    and thank you Frosty and Steve for the link I saved it and gave it to mom too.



  7. Lord only Knows how many times I have wasted the entire day making tools just to do a simple job due to getting Po'ed because I did not have one tool I wanted and ended up making 10 or so for the day then cleaning the shop kicking stuff and cleaning more for the mess I made from that kick . yep been there done that and have a few T shirts and mashed toes <Grins> & <Tears>



  8. What most folks do not know about Kent England is it is cold and wet a lot ,you know that as well as I do ,Gundog. and paint does not stick to that and will rust every time . as stated you are going to have to heat it up to get the moisture out /off of your steel Brother .



  9. Hello Family,


    This morning at 12:57 Joey David (Boomer) Only age 20 Has went home to be with the Lord above He was a blessing to all that knew him and two others that never did as in his life as a US Vet he served so others would have Freedom to live Free and by his death two people will now live on as he was an Organ Donor.


    And a Loving Brother I will miss him greatly !



  10. Hilti has the Best know anchors in the industry see here :




    and are available all over the world a Rep from Hilti will work with you and help you find the correct anchor for the job you are doing . No I do not work for them , However I have used them many times even in the Prison systems where everything has to stay put or folks would get hurt .



  11. Hello Folks, as of Sunday this past


    I would like you all to pray and remember my Brother (Joey David Aka Boomer) and also a Us Vet (only age 22). while going home Sunday afternoon in a rain storm he lost control of his Truck (By Hydroplaning) went over an embankment ,end over end, and rolled it many times. he was thrown from the truck ,has several broken ribs,a broken collar bone, swelling in his brain and is now in a coma as of late last night.

    When we got to finally see him after they got him stabilized after many close calls of losing him multiple  times the last few days . He is not responding to much of anything at this time he is on life support and a feeding tube ,with a pressure relief tube in his head. I will let y'all know as things are updated for the family.


    25 July 2013

    Hey guys ,


    they still have not got to do the MRI due to the Metal probe in the top of his head monitoring the Swelling on his brain. when they stopped the meds for pain and other things to remove the air tube he was lost for a few minutes they brought him back and reinserted the tubed so he could breath . also had to give him meds for the pain he was in he is currently not responding at all (we hope this is just the meds doing their job) he is still in a coma .


    More as we find out .




  12. I love the Broad ax hanging up in the upper right corner of the 6 th photo i have a few of them and they are Awesome for hewing logs and many other things round these parts you just don't see them that good anymore that are for sale . <Grins>


    great find and buy !



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