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I Forge Iron

David Einhorn

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Posts posted by David Einhorn

  1. Welcome! My advice is:

    #1 priority join a local blacksmithing group
    #2 if you have the money take some blacksmithing courses
    #3 try the equipment of other folks before you build or purchase equipment
    #4 start a blacksmithing library on your bookshelf.

  2. ...give a thought and prayer for all of "Our Sons and Daughters, Brothers and Sisters, Fathers and Mothers" who are far from home, some in awful places, some who will be in combat this very day. ....

    Yes, many thanks any prayers for those who serve.

    Happy Thanksgiving day,

  3. I could not resist , after all the hazing I get as the resident typo king, seemed good for a laugh

    I laughed. I was getting ready to reach for my camera when I saw your photograph. :D

    While I already have enough vises, I would seriously consider participating in a workshop to forge vises just for the learning experience. His blacksmithing group, sounds like a great group of folks.

  4. ...... .My exterior of the workshop must match the main house. .....

    The good news is that folks here have given a lot of good advise. The bad news is the requirement of the exterior of the building sounds like you are in a location that may have more than plan old code requirements but also have additional *covenanted* restrictions.

    When I built my shop the code enforcement officer was very unsure about a number of code issues. The end result was that I overbuilt going beyond National Code. I even tore down a 16 foot section of a garage door opening and rebuilt it because the enforcement officer could not tell me if that section would pass final framing inspection. I framed the building with treated lumber (termites, carpenter ants and powder beetles ate the previous shop building), so when the building was done the code enforcement officer told me that it was a good thing that I used galvanized coated screw-shank nails and that I did not listen to an engineer that recommended using regular nails, because if I had listened to the engineer the enforcement officer would not have passed the building. I also used hurricane ties, and had to explain to the enforcement officer what they were. ;-)

    You might wish to find out if your housing area has *covenants* before you do anything.

    Best wishes, Dave
  5. A bunch of years ago I took a pattern-welding knife making class with Rob Hudson where we used a 25pound Little Giant for all the forge welding and drawing out. The way I heard it, it is not how hard you hit but the type of strike, a thud blow or a sharp rap of the hammer. With a sharp rap, the layers can bounce apart. With the Little Giant, the blow is a thud strike and does not bounce the layers apart. At least that is how it was explained to me.

  6. If you had a bunch of them you could use them as cross bars in a:
    - cooking grate
    - hammer/tong rack
    - rack for short pieces of stock

    With one you could incorporate it as the:
    - vertical section of a lamp
    - flatten and make into various hooks
    - cross piece in one or more towel racks
    - cross support at the back of a computer table to support and organize cables.

  7. The only other option that I can think of is to ask around to see if anyone is driving in that direction, by posting the approximate points of origin and destination, and letting people know they would be helping a teenager.

    Places to post include pet rescue forums because they sometimes form rescue trains to pass pets from one end of the country to the other, and might be able to accommodate the anvil as an additional passenger if they are going that way anyway. Although, a 254 lb anvil might be too much for them... The best bet would be a smith that happens to be traveling that direction.

    More or less it is at the same time making the attempt to assist while at the same time setting a boundary. Describing what you can do, and then letting him come up with other options if what you can offer is not within what he feels is appropriate.

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