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I Forge Iron

John Martin

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Posts posted by John Martin

  1. I've used normal wax and I've gotten a black to dark red coloring on my pieces. I just snuck some of my mom's candles outside and used them. If I don't get all of the scale off the scale turns a deep red. It's strange. Any ideas? anyone else ever tried it?

  2. I am curios as to whether or not a pirate's sword always looked like this example:

    Copyrighted photo has been removed by site admin

    I was doing a search and came across that image. Anyhow, they are always portrayed in that style in movies, books, on the internet, and so on. I couldn't find out that much about them and was wondering if this style just developed over time into a pirates sword or if the pirates developed that style or if they just used the cutlass type sword a lot.

  3. Correct me where I am wrong, I'm trying to put together a article so to speak on the anatomy of fire.

    Three Parts to a Fire. Image thanks to wikipedia. Could not make a decent triangle.


    A fire exists only as long as long as there is oxygen a fuel source, and heat. Fire is an oxidation process -- just like scale on a piece that you're working with -- that releases energy from the fuel in the form of light, heat, and smoke. The bi-product is ash and carbon dioxide. (Note: It is not recommend that you stare at the bright flame of a fire.) Once going fires can maintain their own heat by the release of energy in the form of heat provided there is a readily available or continuous supply of oxygen and fuel. Fire can be extinguished by removing one or two or all three of the elements of the triangle seen above.

    EDIT: By Admin, then I just took the rest out.

    Flame Color Chart
    o Dullish Red: 1300

  4. My parents can see me through the window so i don't have to worry about it. But in the future, maybe if you could find a item for people with health problems that has like a wristband, that tells people if you are knocked out or whatever, by your pulse.

  5. I was shooting BB guns with my friend, and one of our BB bounced off of a rock in the ground (at least its my guess) and came back, these were high powered BB Guns (Pellet Guns to, combined) and well it ricochet back and it the bottom of my safety glasses and proceeded to go down into my cheek. It didn't hurt that much, other than digging it out with a tweasers, like a deep sliver. But I shudder when I think about what would have happened if I didn't have my safety glasses on, I'd be blind in my left eye. If there are safety precautions use them at all cost. Well enough of that rant, It's really good to hear that your hand it okay and healing well HWooldridge.

  6. I want to get a belt sander, since I'm getting a Bench Grinder for Christmas (ahh, the blessings of still being young) my parents said that they would get me one. I've looked up a bunch of stuff that has to do with belt sanders, and they are between $100-$500, at least the ones I've found. Should I go with one of them or try to build my own. Would like to know more.

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