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I Forge Iron

John Martin

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Posts posted by John Martin

  1. How would I go about make a chest to store things in, just the basics. Latch, hinges, opens on the top, wood with metal plates for re-enforcement, you know the type. It doesn't have to be big.

    Please provide me with information on how to go about this task. If it is to complex for me, I will wait until I have gained the experience.

  2. "hey M Take a drywall bucket and 1 of those black plant pots that have holes in it and are used when you buy a plant as the inner pot.....fix a hanger as a handle. The black plant pot will fit into the drywall bucket....fill the drywall bucket and the plant pot acts as a retriever....then you can just leave the bucket full of vinegar and lift the plant pot with your goodies in...there are holes in the plant pot so the vinegar will drain out as you check what you got init......you dont have to change the vinegar but you may have to add some from time to time....."

    I will defiantly have to try that as we have both lying around somewhere. Unfortunates, I do not have any pictures. How do you prevent flash rust on files and drill bits, most of the rust is gone, but once i dried it with a few towels, it rusted a bit. It's not bad just a bit. Could I spray something on it?

  3. My Aunt died last night, and her funeral will be the 1st or second. She died of pneumonia at 48. She was in the nursing home (she is disabled from surgery). Luckily the whole family saw her the night before.


  4. Vinegar has been mentioned before as a rust remover, but this weekend, my dad got out some of his old files and drill bits that were orange. Covered in Rust. I took one of my moms cake pans, filled it with vinegar, put the files and drill bits in the vinegar. I then put a piece of plastic on the top and let it sit for three days, on the third, i took it out and scrubbed them with a wire bursh and then put them back in the vinegar.(I emptied out the nasty vinegar and put in new vinegar.) The fourth i took them out and they are as good as new.

    However, I would like to know how this chemical reaction works.

  5. The area that I work moved to behind the garage, they can not see me anymore. So i check in with them every hour. It's like irnsrgn's story, except i've only had minimal burns. When I get a shack put up, we might have a phone line put out or just use walkie talkies.

    If they had a wristband that could tell if you are knocked out, due to pulse, or hurt and bleeding, due to pulse or blood pressure, and it automatically calls or trigers a system that would be very useful and safe.

  6. Someone mentioned in another thread that commercially charcoal is made by the starting the center of the pile of wood on fire and then putting dirt on top of it. Is this true? I posted a differnet thread about drying out wood. Right now I've got about 400lbs of chopped up wood. What I was wondering is, is there a faster way to make it or a better way to make, like the commercial way other than the indirect method.

  7. I am using a charcoal forge as well. At first my forge welds didn't take at all. I tried everything. Then I got one link to weld. I have it hanging as a little personal trophy. Now my welds are about 50/50. Make sure to upset and scarf the ends so that you have more metal to weld together. I do not use flux, as I can't find any borax at the local store. But I've heard that you don't need a lot if any flux in charcoal fires. Always brush the area to be welded to. I burned a lot of my stuff at the beginning and still do every now and then.

  8. I got....
    -4GB Mp3 PLayer
    -Bench grinder, variable speed
    -Backyard Blacksmith
    -Round and sqaure stock, think it's 1018, at least that's what my dad said it was at the stockplace
    -Shatterproof goggles/glasses for grinder etc...
    -One of the five family heirloom hand-and-a-half sword to polish up and display in my room. (200 Years old, from africa, will get pix if i can)

  9. It's winter right now and there is a lot of snow, so all of the wood is wet. Wood usually takes a year to dry out for it to be "safe" to burn in your fireplace according to some regulation. I use charcoal for my fireplace, as the nearest coal is 117 miles away and costs $22 a bag. Centaur Forge, in wisconsin. And we live on a good chunk of forest, and I've been doing some logging and make small pieces that I will use to make charcoal. What I wanted to know is if I could make a furnace out of plywood -- it's okay if it burns a little bit to -- and pile the wood up inside of it and have two vents one on each side and have two fires going with the smoke and heat being vented into the plywood furnace to dry it out and get it ready to make charcoal. Is this a crazy idea or should I dry it? Any better ways or ideas? It's oak, maple, and pine wood if anyone is wondering. Dimensions are gonna be an 8 foot cube

  10. When I've looked at the knives in here it is always a type of steel 10## It seems like a mild steel. Why don't you use tool steel because it's so tough, other than expense? PLease explain what kind of steel you want when make a knife and why? I am very curious.

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