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Posts posted by FordPrefect

  1. The best advise I can give is take a class from a smith and learn the basics, I took my first classes from one of the young smiths trained by Brian Brazeal, his name Aaron Cergal, then by Aaron's suggestion I took some classes from Brian Brazeal, did I learn "trade secrets", yes I did, forge to dimension, forge to finish, surface area contact...that is all I will share.

  2. If I missed something, Brian or someone else could add to it...




    The hammer above had a crooked hole, but Brian Brazeal and Ed Brazeal and myself were able to save the hammer, it took some work but there it is, I was directing on this hammer, I held the drift crooked and that is how the hole got crooked, but I learned how to salvage it, and how not to slit a hole, a learning experience.

  3. Here is a method that will guarantee a straight hole almost every time, see this article  http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/30265-punchingslitting-holes/, see this picture DSC08733.jpg

    the only thing I can add to this is that after you punch all the way to face of the anvil, but not quite trough, turn to the other side and look for a black spot about where the whole should be and start to punch from that side...


    Also see this article: http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/10211-slitter-geometry/

  4. There are plenty of great blacksmiths that share their methods and procedures, even if one knew these methods and procedures that does not mean that one could benefit financially from knowing those methods and procedures. The reason for accelerated software development across all hardware platforms, is  the fact that "trade secrets" or methods and procedures are shared by open community of developers. Proprietary methods and procedure does not lead to advancement in any field or trade, that is just my two cent worth.

  5. Nice job Sam, I made something similar at Stans hammer-in on his LG 100# power hammer. I kept what I called a pin with a 1/2" round had, made it using ball swage, round tapper, but now you gave me an idea for different application. Unfortunately after all the work I was talking to by brother in law and burnt the pin first in half, forge welded it back together, then burnt the head of it, and that was that. Started a new one since, with a square tapper, I wanted to make a spiral latter holder, also you could easily make a banana holder, cup holder, etc. I will try and finish my new one but not easy with out a ball swage, maybe my friend Stan can make me few ball swadges of various sizes (5/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1"), for that he already said I need to make a trip to IL.

  6. I think smiths need to adopt the idea of open community, just like software developers (Linux is a great example of this), it works, ideas get re-engineered because it is open, who benefits is the community of smiths, and those that think they need recognition get recognition. When it comes to smithing nothing is really new, it's just old ideas re-discovered and reapplied.

  7. Well here is a method I seen used by hunters, where I use to hunt, they would leave a 5 gallon buckets, put a little corn in it, and leave it sit in the shack, after they winterize it, once the mice get in buckets, they can't get out, it's that simple, they usually use many such buckets at strategic location around the hunting shack. Good luck.

  8. Been there done that, I knew it was coming, but it's worth all the hassle in the world, I love my parents, may God bless them, lost my dad in 1990, and my mother in 2008, but I was there when they needed me. Thomas you will be missed but I think your parents need you more, the reward is love, unconditional love, may God bless your parents.

  9. Very nice work Tim, the rail is beautiful, the brass panel is very nice simple design that fits well with the rail design. Nice looking tools, I have a feeling you made them for just such usage.

    I have metal that is already shaped like few tools you have (I think it's tools steel), like the tools in the 2nd picture from the left in your post #6, I suspect it will not require much work for me to make some tools that look similar to the ones you have there, thanks for the post, incredibly nice work.

    What do you think Tim will this work: post-23153-0-74981800-1339940140_thumb.j

  10. Incredibly nice folder, from the selection of cabochon, to the selection of pattern weld metals of the Damascus, to the twist in the pattern, to the handle selection, the ivory grew into the handle it seems, to the fine filework along pattern Damascus backspacer...just incredible, thank you for show it.

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