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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by KevinD

  1. Sorry to be so petty but I work for the Post Office and most parcels get damaged because the sender didn't package it properly. Remember that any package could potentially end up UNDER one that weighs 70lbs. They all travel together in the same container. Back on subject. Phil - Do you have enough spikes or do you need more? I could send some of these if you want...
  2. Come on down to the basement and post in the Word Association thread... :D
  3. "A 3 hour tour...A 3 hour tour"
  4. Post #1 from THIS thread that we're posting in now...
  5. Heck. It made even ME smile...and I'm not much into blades.
  6. I was just bumping this thread back up to the top. I thought with your drilling background and there being some sort of competition with some hot shot drill builder you might have some input. :confused: ;)
  7. I copied the text from the "about this video" area and pasted it into Google language tools and came up with this.
  8. Pork Shoulder - I just had Bar-B Q! :)
  9. http://www.countryside.gov.uk/LAR/archive/publications/craftpublications.asp
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