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I Forge Iron

backyard smith

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Everything posted by backyard smith

  1. The coal company in my town doesn't sell smith coal so I use what they sell and it works maybe not the best but it works. If I could get some for free I would surely give it a try. Worst case you can give it to someone to heat there house. TC
  2. I using a brake drum forge at the moment. I want to build a new forge come spring. But a cast iron fire pot is not in the buget. I have 1/2'' plate torches and a welder. Will a steel fire pot hold up? Also will the steel pot effect my forge welds? Thanks for the help...TC
  3. I spent 150 on my first anvil and had to do a week of rehab on it. With some very expensive welding rods and sevral grinding wheels! Yours looks like it's ready to use, I think you did good. TC
  4. my first anvil was a rail. To make the horn I welded a 10''peice of round stock to one side with a small brase under it. it worked great till I got a real anvil. I still use it now and then due to the fact it is way more portable. There are also a lot of photos out there of railroad anvils. just a google away.
  5. That puts my brake drum forge to shame!!!! I know what my next project is going to be come spring. :D
  6. I didn't hear anyone bring up the issue of zoning. I know the town I live in, would not allow a business at someones home but they will allow a hobby shop. I personly like working in the backyard but there are some restictions. I don't have room for the big tools. (power hammer, mill...ect) If you are looking at going into business for yourself I would go with the bigger shop. If your a part time smith like me out back is fine!
  7. Bought my anvil and post vice at a farmers yard sale in rural PA. Wait till summer and drive around the backroads on the weekends. I found things I've sold and traded to other smiths. Plus it's fun! TC
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