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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Finnr

  1. I have seen a few very old blacksmith's hammers that were welded up from what ever scrap the smith had around . Wrought iron with an added carbon steel face. More work than i would care to do.


  2. The oil is lube for the gears most blowers leak enough that changing the oil isn't a thing to worry about. I use a mix of Marvel mystery Oil and 30 wt non detergent oil. Ask six smith's what's right and you will get ten different answers. LOL If the smaller one is a Bufco sheet metal blower like the one I have it was not meant to hold oil I lube mine with white grease.


  3. Happy to have you on board. It's good to see old tools going back into the intended use and not becoming yard decorations or being stored by someone so they can boast about all the tools they have.


  4. I treat those knives like any other 5160. Oil quench andpop them into the oven for a couple of temper cycles 400 degrees F seems to give me whatI want with my kitchen oven which is not calibrated just a stove oven. Trial and lots of error went into getting the right setting.

  5. I make several styles based on the Finnish Puukko. Which is where the scandi edge originates. Bot sides of the blade have flat ground bevels. I hammer mine in and they run a bit wider that in your photo. Sharpening is laying the blade bevel flat to the stone. Works nicely.

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